creadigol_lili Apr 25, 2011 00:34
fandom:glee, bears, fandom:doctor who, haters gonna hate
creadigol_lili Mar 27, 2011 21:42
the gallifreyan time love brigade, convention reports:2011, real life, cosplay, bears, fandom:torchwood, fandom:doctor who, cons:sydney armageddon 11
creadigol_lili Feb 25, 2011 03:13
work, cons:melbourne supanova 11, cons:perth supanova 11, real life, fandom:glee, bears, omfg squee, cons:sydney armageddon 11
creadigol_lili Jan 31, 2011 20:58
real life, cons:sydney supanova 11, fandom:glee, the money issue, cosplay, bears, fandom:torchwood, people:james marsters, people:gareth david-llyod
creadigol_lili Dec 21, 2010 00:59
mini!myfanwy, australia sucks, nadolig llawen, people:arthur darvill, people:matt smith, bears, drama-llama, oliver addy harkness-noble, early mid-life crisis, people:karen gillian, fandom:torchwood, fandom:doctor who, missing the uk