oh hai flying piggies!

Feb 25, 2011 03:13

Just a post in amoungst my mad rush of costume making in preparation for Sydney Armageddon (which is now only 1 day away *stabs self*) but this is pretty big and life changing news that I just have to share.


Yes. The impossible has happened and pigs (and horses) are flying.

It was one of the random 80 odd jobs I applied for in a rush, sending my resume out blindly without reading the job ad just so I could write it down on my Centerlink job diary.

I was called for an interview on Monday (while in the craft store buying costume materials) and had the interview on Wednesday.
Due to much failure on the buses and trains, I got to the interview 15 minutes late, but called them to update them of my progress along the way (and spending $7 of my phone credit)
I also had a cold (still do) and was coughing and croaking my way through the interview.
They must of loved my design work and what I was saying to look past all of this.
Also the way I was constantly saying that this job excited me and was ideal for me sure helped sell it, and for once in a job interview I was 100% honest too. I actually really did want this job.

Plus one of my interviewers brought her dog into the interview and it was TOO. CUTE.
Puppies put me in my happy place after the stress of getting there. :D

So let me count the ways why this job is awesome.

Firstly, it's a Desktop Publishing role. It's doing something I not only enjoy, but am actually good at.
It's not strict Graphic Design (which is hard and stressful) but Desktop Publishing which is working with things that have already been designed and helping the Graphic Designer.
I may even get to do some design of my own sometimes :D
It's also Admin, which isn't something I enjoy too much, but it's only part of the job and not the whole job so it balances out nicely.

Next up, it's for this company. Equine Veterinarians Australia
As soon as I looked up their website I regressed into a 5 year old for a second and just yelled out "HORSIES!!!"
They also are sending me to Alice Springs to help with their conference. Which will be bloody hard work so I'm told, but hey Alice Springs.

Lastly, it's a contract, meaning it's not forever, meaning I can save up and bugger off to the UK at the end of it all if I manage to save enough. It pays $25 per hour, is 3 days a week and last til July 22nd (almost 5 months)
The timing of it is ideal. My friend Marianne comes to visit me from England on August 1st.
That gives me a week to get back on Centerlink so I don't have to live off my saving while Marianne is here for the whole of August.

After August... who knows what I'll do, but I'll have a decent amount of savings when that happens.

I start on Tuesday. It's 8.30am - 5pm Tuesday - Thursday at St Leonards so that's going to be hard to get used to, but I'm excited and I hope to everything holy that I manage to keep it.
I'm going to give it my all.


There is other stuff I wanted to cover on here (fandom stuff and the like) but it's all going to have to wait til after Armageddon, I'm much to busy with costume making right now.
But to give you guys a hint. It involves some about Glee (cross between squee, theorising and raging) and bears.

Also. Guess who's coming to Melbourne Supanova for sure now. Heck, I might even re-consider Perth Supanova too.

work, cons:melbourne supanova 11, cons:perth supanova 11, real life, fandom:glee, bears, omfg squee, cons:sydney armageddon 11

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