bi the way... I was born this way too

Feb 28, 2011 19:16

Continuing from last post... Glee-ness (cross between squee, theorising and raging)

First - the squee:
Blaine and Rachel singing a cover of my favourite Human League song "Don't you want me?" on last weeks episode 'Blame it on the Alcohol" Just. Plain. Squee.

Next - the theorising.
My theory I had has just been Jossed today by some spoilers but I'll share what it was anyway.

So... the Glee kids have got Regionals soon. (where the theme is 'Anthems') Also a while ago, Glee got the rights to cover Lady Gaga's new song 'Born this way' (which I love despite never really being a Gaga fan) which has now been dubbed a gay anthem (it should be a LGBT anthem but anyway)
It was also floating around that the song would involve the gay closeted bully Karofsky character in some way.
I possibly throught that they would use the song in the Regionals episode, which they may still do, but not as the competition song. Still looking forward to how they do it.

Which brings me to the last part - the raging. (spoilers for Glee 2.14 - Blame it on the Alcohol)

Online I'm not shy to admit my bisexuality (IRL that is another long matter all together) so when I heard that they were going to cover bisexuality on Glee I was hoping for the same positivity they have treated other LGBT issues on the show.

I still don't know exactly how I feel about the way it was treated. :/

The conversation quickly moved from "Oh maybe I'm bi" from Blaine to "Maybe he's straight" with Kurt and Rachel. It almost screamed "You have to be one or the other" the same bi-phobic comments I've seen floating around in both homosexual and hetrosexual communities. Because heaven forbid he just might like both.

Plus there was Kurt's terribly bi-phobic comment of "Bisexuality is a term that gay guys in highschool use when they want to hold hands with girls and be a normal person for a change."

I wasn't too angry because Kurt as a character is a big drama queen and was over reacting because of his feelings for Blaine but still... there was that large part of me that went "Well.... Ouch" while the other part of me, the thinking logical part throught of the story and the characters and realised that as teenagers the concept of bisexuality would be a little unknown, even through Rachel has gay dads and Kurt is gay himself. :/
And then it was resolved too quickly with a "Yep, 100% gay" at the very end.

I only hope this isn't dropped entirely, that it is maybe covered again further down the line, perhaps with Brittany or Santana. Because damn it, there needs to be more respresentation of bisexuality on TV. I'm sick of all the bi-phobia out there and confussion.

I don't want to be one or the other. I want to be me.

fandom:glee, my bisexual life, people:lady gaga, lgbt

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