Title: Drabble 01 Genre: fluff, lol idk Pairing: ChinenxSaaya A/N: wait asdsfg antok na ko sorry. brought to you by your local weather lol ;w; HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAAYAMELONS. KAKOII CHINEN joke
Title: Untitled Genre: fluff, siblingrabu, Pairing: UmikaxYamada, hint of Umikeito A/N: ACTUALLY, this was supposed to be a birthday fic for boukenrider. Unfortunately, I wasnt able to post in on her birthday... A-Anyway ;;;
Title: Secrets Genre: fluff, siblingrabu, Pairing: UmikaxYamada Summary: Sibling love. period. A/N: I'll probably blame that Yamada Drama rumor going around "My brother's secret" whatever. lol no official response from their side but trolololol. SPUR OF THE MOMENT FIC.
Title: Goodnight Genre: fluff, moemoe Pairing: UmikaxKeito Summary: Sleeping Keito and his princess A/N:Baah, I can't even remember I wrote this drabble. LOL fine this goes out to boukenrider. Think whatever you want. Umikeito is actually eating up 70% of my fic journal lol idefk
Title: Festival Genre: fluff, moemoe Pairing: UmikaxKeito Summary: Festival Dettooo~ A/N: failed sentence construction orz ;;; Err song used was this. I really love this girl to bits. She is awesome 'kay? though its months now and I miss her songs ;________; I need moar love in my life akjdhf ( He nodded )
Title: Peace under the rain Genre: FLUFF because that is the only genre I can write atm Pairing: UmikaxKeito A/n: because I am so sabishii and it's raining and cold again lol. I should really make an umikeito icon or sumthing. excuse the lame title
Title: Even if the world ends Pairing: NakajimaxOhgo Genre: Fluff A/n: the world is ending today and here I am writing fluffs again. Oops. Its getting lonely here since its raining ;;
Title:In your プリクラ Pairing: ChinenxKanon Genre: Fluff Summary: What happens to a jealous Fukuda Kanon? A/n: one of the few girls I ship with Chinen. Err...I am still not used to writing fics again. I still can't write cracks, all of them end up fuwa fuwa fluffs. IDK. ksjf
Title: Lucky Days Pairing: KeitoxUmika, ShidaSaayaUmika bff-ery Genre: fluff crack Summary: Keito stalks. LOL i don't have a proper summary fff A/n: boukenrider SACHI THIS IS FOR YOU. Rushed or something failed fluff cracked. Been listening to this while making this fic. Sort of a semi inspiration together with this picture . LOL OKAY. lsdkjfs I still lack skellz
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Title: Note-taking ♥ Pairings: ChinenxSaaya Genre: fluff idk Summary: Chinen and his notes. A/n: Drabble. I found an unfinished fic on my phone notes. I forgot how to write fics.. too mushy I think.. Chinen it's not even your birthday yet lol. First fic okay.