Title: Goodnight
Genre: fluff, moemoe
Pairing: UmikaxKeito
Summary: Sleeping Keito and his princess
A/N:Baah, I can't even remember I wrote this drabble. LOL fine this goes out to
boukenrider. Think whatever you want. Umikeito is actually eating up 70% of my fic journal lol idefk
Shifting her body on the other side of her bed, a small smile slowly crept on her lips as she watched him sleep peacefully...like a baby. His soft hair sprawled across the white sheets. His chest rising and falling carefully. His closed eyes slightly moving on reflex. She moved to lean on his chest and listen to his rhythmic heart beat and calm breathing. Her hands lightly played on his chest drawing circles, heart or whatever. Looking up to his sleeping face she giggled and lightly tapped the tip of his nose. "Goodnight, Keito" she whispered before turning back around and covering herself up with a blanket. Before she could even close her eyes shut,a hand slowly laced around her waist gently and pulling her closer to him, her back against his well toned chest and a small kiss landed on the back of her head. "Sweet dreams, my princess..." END.