Title: Drabble 01
Genre: fluff, lol idk
Pairing: ChinenxSaaya
A/N: wait asdsfg antok na ko sorry. brought to you by your local weather lol ;w; HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAAYAMELONS. KAKOII CHINEN joke
The once blue sky started to rumble and turn grey ...not a moment to soon it started to pour. Saaya mentally whined to herself asking why she had to forget her umbrella at home of all days, she forgot to bring hers on the day of her classroom duties.
She leaned on the pillar and decided to wait for the rain to stop but instead she felt something lightly shoved against her shoulders and a voice saying "...Use this"
Chinen Yuuri a.k.a her co-partner for today's class duty grabbed Saaya's hand and gave her his black umbrella before charging the rain with only his bag as his cover.
"H-Hey! C-Chinen-kun!?"
She stepped out in the rain getting wet in the process as she tried opening his umbrella and catching up with Chinen.
Hoping they could at least share the umbrella instead.