Title: Bitter and Sweet
Genre: failed crack, fluff, fuwa fuwa, w/e emotions
Pairing: Horikoshi
A/N: HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! No, I really don't like writing fics but lol I just felt writing one because I feel so ronry on the 14 while JUMP goes to HK :\
001. Umika x Keito
Wrapping her knitted scarf around her neck, Umika rushed out of Les Pros agency and flipped her phone open. Unread messages flooded her inbox but she decided to open the latest mail instead.
`I'll be at park waiting`
the mail arrived 30mins prior so she got worried hoping he hasn't caught a cold yet...or worst left the park.
Arriving at the park, she saw Keito sitting alone on the swing as snow started to fall. He looked up and gave her a small nod before approaching her.
"Sorry I'm late. The shooting took forever and this was supposed to be a special da--"
Keito put a finger on her lips and shushed her before she started rambling "It's okay. What's Important is you're here now" He smiled.
Umika nodded and let Keito hold her cold hands, spaces of his fingers fit perfectly with hers.
Keito squeezed her hand tightly and stuffed their hands in his pocket of his jacket. "Let's go"
002. Asami x ......
Asami sighed and continued to play with her PSP.
"Happy Single Awareness day Asami" she mumbled to herself, sipping her tea while she continued playing with Starry*Sky.
Meanwhile Ryun and Shougo passes by the cafe she was staying. Failing to notice her they began teasing each other. Ryun clings on Shougo's arm and asks him to buy a cake before leaving and deciding to eat the cake at home.
Asami mentally curses herself and felt forever alone so suddenly.
003. Suzuka and Yuto
Yuto wanted to try something new. He felt western-ish today. He bought a bouqet of flowers, the one he thinks would fit her the most and some chocolates.
Suzuka stepped out of the Cooking school and found him standing at the entrance carrying bouquet of roses varying from pink, yellow, red and white and a box of chocolates in his hands.
Yuto chuckled and finally got the answer he was waiting for.
"Yes, Yuto-kun"
004. Ryosuke and Mirai
"Hah! Think you can beat me?"
"I can beat you in just a minute with Xia You"
"Not when I can still do the Ninja disappearing act with Yoshimitsu!!"
"Loser, pays the bill for Chinese take out!!~ Yamachan"
"You are on, LOSEEER"
"You are never going to beat me. Not in a million years!"Shida Mirai screamed pressing the buttons of her analog stick like there is no tomorrow.
Yamada smirked and leaned over to her ears "Even if we do this together forever?"
Shida lost.
The following day Ryosuke and Mirai were on the tabloids. Idol Y came out of Idol M's house on February 14 midnight.
005. Yuuri and Saaya
It's always the same thing in the morning. He greets her with a small nod and completely losses himself with the iPhone he recently received from his mother and barely talks to her not even during breaks.. So much for being seatmates.
At lunch time He mails her a "Enjoy your meal" out of the blue while she was on an errand.
Saaya comes back in the classroom only to find her friends grining at her. She finds a stalk of rose and a box of bento on her desk.
"Next time I'll treat you to something better --Hayapyon"
"Hayapyon~ fufufu~"
Saaya didnt know whether she'd feel irritated or happy. Only Chinen Yuuri was able to make her feel this way. Unexplainable but she felt happy. Their relationship was something she wasn't able to explain even up to now.
006. Jingi and Chielu
"Guys, Guys I won 2 tickets to Tokyo Disney Land!! who wants to come with me tomorrow?" Jingi screamed, waving the tickets as he entered the room.
The rest of 3-D looked at him then shrugged their shoulders.
"What's wrong with everyone?"
"Tomorrow's Valentines stupid..." Chielu said grabbing one of the ticket from his hand before walking out of the classroom. "See you tommorow 10 am at Keiho station. "
007. Nako and Ryosuke
Nako stared at the contents of her bag and pulled out a small nicely wrapped package. She nodded her head once and grabbed the package.
Yamada who was busy reading his latest manga looked up "What's up?"
"Here..." Nako placed the package on his desk and ran out of the room.
She peeked back in the room and screamed "THEY'RE JUST TOMOCHOCO'S DONT GET THE WRONG IDEA!!!" ...before disappearing in the hallway again.
Yamada Ryosuke shrugged his shoulder and decided to eat it while reading his manga.
"This is...good" he mumbled.
Behind the door, Nako had her hands on her chest and her heart going doki doki.
008. Nozomi and Yuto
Nonchan leaned on the window and stretched her arms. February 14 meant nothing to her although it always bothered her. She was famous, pretty, tall and cute and all the guys want to ask her out but she all turned them down.
She only wanted one person.
However, He was already taken.
Yuto passes by behind her followed by Ohgo and enters their classroom. Ohgo scolding Yuto for being too childish again.
Nonchan sighed and rested her chin on her arms.
009. Mariya and Misaki
Mariya slumped on bench and stared at the box of choco on her hand.
"Sorry, I can't accept your feelings..."
She gave a small scream of frustration and threw the box of chocolate in the air and unfortunately hitting someone on the head.
"Ah! I'm Sor--..AH! Takahata-kun!" Mariya ran towards him and apologized
"Man, is this how you greet old friends? Throwing a box of chocolate at them?" He chuckled rubbing his forehead.
"S-sorry" she blushed and sat on back on the bench followed by Misaki
"Are you still keeping this?" He asked "Can I have it?"
She nodded and bit her lip as he took a bite. "I don't need it anyway"
"Whoever he was a jerk for not accepting your chocolates. They're really delicious."
Mariya held back her feelings and gave him a small appreciative nod. She never felt happier than ever. Feels like going back to the times they were shooting a drama she thought.