Mar 20, 2010 15:45

* Please post all prompts and responses in the comments to this post.

* Be respectful. No bashing of pairings, prompts, kinks, or requests. This is a zero-tolerance kind of thing; bashing will be deleted, and also make your Mods sad.

* One prompt per post, (with or without pairing, threesome, moresome, or whatever).

* You do not have to be anonymous, although you can be. That's half the fun, right?

* We're calling it a kink meme, but there's no requirement that you ask for kink. Maybe your kink is g-rated fluffy bunnies following Charlie home from work. Maybe it's hugging and handholding. Maybe you like gen. We don't judge.

* All pairings or requests MUST involve a) character(s) played by Damien Lewis and/or Ron Livingston, b) main character(s) from either Life or Standoff, or c) some combination of the above. Your request for Frank/Matt rimming will be approved. Your request for Dani/Wendy strap-on fun will be applauded. Your request for Matt/Winters time-travel-mistaken-identity-Paris-sexytiems will be immediately filled by a not-very-anonymous-Mod. But your request for Webster/Lipton wallsex, no matter how hot that might be, will be deleted. (There is, btw, a bob_kinkmeme available. Should you want to ask for some Webster/Lipton. Which is totally a valid lifestyle choice, just not for this particular meme.)

* Art responses are encouraged, and should be posted as a reasonably-sized preview and/or a link to the original. If you want your art to remain anonymous, please email one of the mods with the file/link and the prompt you're completing. We'll make sure it gets posted for you.

* Long and short fics are welcome, as are multiple responses to prompts.

* Do try and keep your responses consistent with the prompt request.

* If your fic goes longer than one comment, please make each part a response to the FIRST. This makes for easier viewing, and keeps things neatly threaded.

* If we've done this right, the comments WILL contain NC-17 responses, as well as materials that may be triggering. While authors and artists MAY warn for these things, and frequently will, they are not required to do so. PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.


admin: challenge

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