Dudes. I totally forgot to post these.

Mar 20, 2010 14:22

I've been moving my fic over to the AO3, and that--along with putting together posts for the fanwork exchange (w00t!) and the kinkmeme (more w00t!)* reminded me that not everyone around here follows my journal. So, you know. These are from before. I meant to post about them, but I forgot. Sorry about that.

1. Another piece of the "between two points of no return" universe:

Title: "perpetuated in parti-colored loves"
Info: Charlie/Matt, RW/LN, PG-13 to R, 1135 words. Reincarnation fic.
Notes: sansets beta-read this, and is my favorite beta-enabler.

On the AO3

2. Something for which I blame zeenell, because it's totally her fault.

Title: In which Matt wakes up a girl, and then it ends.
Info: Charlie/Matt, 1100 words, r-rating (language)
Notes: crack!fic doesn't get a beta. Or a real ending.

On AO3

3. Something which didn't even get posted in the first place, but is now.

Title: Spin Cycle
Info: Charlie/Matt, 451 words, g-rating.
Notes: for the prompt, laundry.

On AO3

* Your C_Z mods are very well intentioned, but ever-so-slightly-disorganized. Still, these things are slowly moving from the "that would be sweet!" stage to the "oh, hey, that would actually WORK!" stage.

pairing: rw/ln, fanwork: fic, pairing: cc/mf

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