Apr 07, 2010 10:29

AHHH. I told myself I wasn't going to join this comm, I told myself I wasn't going to join-

And then I go and do a stupid thing like reading the fic here and then going off to watch Life and *sob* here I am to stay. D: because I really need more fandoms

Anyway! I have a few questions concerning Life's Charlie Crews, Standoff, and Matt Flannery and I figured this comm could probably use a bit of life. So, here goes nothing!

1) I noticed with a lot of Life fic that Charlie is kinda portrayed as completely off the deep-end, like to the point where he's completely regressed to the mental age of a child and he can only communicate to others with his Zen philosophy. Sometimes it's less extreme, but his portrayal is usually along the lines of 'completely insane'.

I personally saw him as a very warped man, that his time in solitary (and his constant beatings at the hands of the inmates) didn't leave him unscathed and perhaps he did lose a bit of himself/his sanity along the way, but that when he was released he was still very much there. Just a little more demented and plenty pissed off compared to how he was when he went in. My reasoning for this is that a lot of the things he does has a motivation backing it (he likes fruit because he went 12 years without it, he buys crazy things because he has 50 million to spend and he'd never know what to do with it, he loves the sun because solitary never had any) and he's a really smart guy so he knows not everyone's to blame ergo, he can't go Absolutely Scary on them. That's where the Zen techniques would calm him down and, after 12 years, I'd think he'd have the book memorized and who doesn't constantly quote a book they know by heart?

I know if I had War and Peace memorized I'd be quoting it like crazy and comparing like situations. xD;

IDK, I just never saw him as completely insane and all the fics saying otherwise leave me scratching my head. So now I'm wondering, how does everyone see Charlie Crews? How do you view his personality and his behavior?

2) Because this community sucks you in faster than a vacuum cleaner, I thought I'd take a look at Standoff as well (you have no idea how weird it was to watch Life and NOT see Matt and Emily). Unfortunately, I didn't get any farther than the beginning scene with Matt, 'Pastor Jim' and Emily in that big stand-off (Hee!), so my question is: Is the show any good? That beginning scene alone seemed kind of forced, but if it's just me, I'd happily give the series another go.


3) This one is related to #2 in that I'm really hoping to get a feel of Standoff, Life drew me in from the get-go, so I was hoping maybe someone could tell me what the series was about. I looked at wikipedia and pretty much all that was said was that it's about Matt and Emily's Not-So-Secret-Anymore relationship because Matt decided to spill the beans during a hostage crisis. D: The only thing that comes to mind with this description is a really long soap opera moment where everyone's worried about losing their job (omg) that lasts for eighteen episodes.

Please say it isn't so.

Bah, I'm sorry. I rambled and I probably repeated myself uselessly with questions 2 and 3. xD In any case, I really love this comm and I really wish there was more, I'm already going through withdrawals and I don't get the added benefit of watching the two pretties together BECAUSE THEY AREN'T IN THE SAME SHOW. ;_; HI BOB, HERE I COME AGAIN.

Thanks for your time! :D

P.s: ...I'm almost afraid to ask, but where'd the idea for the name 'cranky_pants' come from? For that matter, Eyebrows/Pants? Which one is (are?) the eyebrows and which is (are?) the pants? Oh god, I need sleep. xD
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