[17] Love Don't Roam

Feb 15, 2011 10:00

[The Doctor doesn't open the box from the postman at first. He doesn't want anything to do with the man who decided to wreak havoc on Christmas. So he sets it on the kitchen table and leaves it. However, eventually his curiosity gets the better of him]

Armed with his screwdriver, he slowly opens the box. When he finds it empty, his worry only increases. And then it hits him, like a bullet to his brain. Memories, of him and one Doctor River Song, together as lovers. She, a prisoner for some unknown crime, and he a friend who came to see her. Well, no longer friends in that memory anyway.

But, thats not possible, he thinks. He he has only met River Song three times so far, most of their adventures are to happen in his... future. He shakes his head, trying to clear it. These memories can't be future visions, can they? How could the postman have access to such things? Things that hadn't even happened to him yet.

He sits at his kitchen table, momentarily stunned by the disregard for the rules of the universe. But River, she wasn't here... was she? No, no, couldn't be... Quickly, he stands up and opens the door to the neighborhood, as if to check to see if she was there.]

[ooc: This post is mostly for River, but anyone can tag in to see the Doctor if they want!]

river song, !event: a better place to love, this is serious business, this is new

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