[18] --> A Day in the Life

Feb 25, 2011 21:54


Listen up, Mayfield.

I'm really quite bored here. And before you ask any stupid questions about me being bored and say stupid things like "haven't you forgotten Valentine's day", I'll tell you, no I haven't. Though believe me, that would be nice, but Valentine's Day certainly wasn't any fun. Did any of you lot have fun with your memories being messed with, because I didn't. It was completely miserable and did nothing to satisfy my boredom.

So until Mayfield gives me a bit of fun with either an invasion of cybermen or an attack of 20 meter mutated ants, I'm still going to be bored. So that's why I'm getting you all to entertain me by bringing me any old electronic thing you need to be fixed and I'll fix it. Dull and menial as that is, it's better than sitting around half asleep thinking of all the things I could be doing but can't. Beleive me, once you've been to Space Florida, it's hard to forget what fun things are out there.

So yes, bring me or broken broken things and I'll fix them. Or make them into something else entirely, I don't know about you but I'd prefer a large transmitter to a toaster. Make toast with an iron, it's quite good.


[A. The Doctor is, like he said, fixing electronics in the garage of 951 Beulah St. Well, perhaps fixing is a too generous description of what he's done. The garage is filled with strange machines made out of various household objects, all whirring and beeping, but fufilling no true function. The Doctor himself is currently waving a strange screwdriver like object over a phone as it emits a strange noise.

B. The Doctor is sitting on his roof with his newest regain, a simple slingshot. He fires rocks and screws at the lightpost across the street and occasionally leaning back to fire a shot straight up at the sky. After doing so, he watches for a few moments before firing again at the light post.

C. If one stops by the house later in the night, the Doctor will be dozing at the table in the garage where he does his work. It appears like he nodded off right in the middle of working on something, but from the dark circles under his eyes, it appears he needed the sleep]

a madman with a box, sonicking around is fun, listen up mayfield, so bored right now

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