fic list

Oct 13, 2010 19:48

Again, because I'm unoriginal: done by fandom. Warnings and ratings on the page itself.


Assassin's Creed:

The Line of the Eagle: Minerva and Jupiter speak. Perhaps this is the answer to how she knew Desmond would one day hear her words through Ezio. And this is why mythology always speaks of profligate gods.



Consequences: Hitsugaya's duel with Ichimaru did not go unnoticed. There are wheels within wheels in Soul Society - and the actions of two Captains do not lightly go unnoticed. These are the consequences.



For Want Of A Nail: May one day be expanded. Done for a prompt by plumerri . Good Omens/Harry Potter crossover. Crowley has a slightly frustrating conversation with Albus Dumbledore, over a certain angel.


Dragon Age:

Keeping Faith: The Guardian watches and waits. Generations of pilgrims have come to seek the ashes. Many more will depart, having failed. He sees but through a glass darkly; the hand of the Maker is often beyond his ken. Patience, he was counselled. And so he waits.

Late: Quick drabble for the lightning round of dao_challenge . More Ciprian Amell and Leliana. Leliana comes to retrieve Ciprian from Aeonar. Light fluff-angst. And to prove I am able to handle short stuff. M!Amell/Leliana

Night: M!Amell never thought things would end this way. Sometimes, between screams and the laughter of the man next door, he wonders what has happened to the rest of them. Possible implied M!Amell/Leliana.

Tales: Where stories begin, in media res, and end, and continue at the same time. Sometimes, the hero and the villain are the same person. Implied M!Cousland/Zevran.

This Is War: Some men are born for war. Some men are made in war. Gawain Cousland, Zevran thinks absently, might be a bit of both. M!Cousland, M!Cousland/Zevran.


Dresden Files:

Ten Things About Sanya: Done for estora ’s meme and on the request of niftywithan . And definitely gladly: I love Sanya! :D



Examining Egon: Done for the 1character challenge on livejournal. 50 sentences on different facets of the character we know as Dr Egon Spengler.

Francine: It had been the result of an accident, really. But the name stuck. It had taken a while for Venkman to stop calling him Francine. Ray-centric. Movie-verse.

: Also known as What Happened When It Wasn't Ray Who Summoned Gozer.

Loose Ends: Why Vigo the Carpathian persisted in attempting to steal Oscar Barrett's body. Dana finds out in the aftermath with the revelation of a secret of Egon Spengler, as he ties up a loose end.

: Based on the spoilers to GB3 that we know right now. Four Ghostbusters, four reactions. One event.

The Smallest of Cracks: All four Ghostbusters were in the room, examining the painting. Vigo could feel the trap closing in on him - but he was Vigo. He had escaped the enraged mobs of Carpathia. They would break, as soon as he found the smallest of cracks…


Harry Potter:

One Fierce Hour: Done for elsceetaria 's prompt, for Harry Potter verse twitterfic. Link goes to a comment thread. Will later relink to a separate post. Hints of D/Hr.



Altair Email Network: A glance at the emails and inboxes of the team during a job. Slightly cracky. Slight hints of Arthur/Cobb.

Anabasis: Done for redwhitedresses  's prompt here and inception_bang . Dominic Cobb is a man on the run. He's on the run from a marriage slowly falling apart, from being framed for a crime he didn't commit...and on the run from the memories of a betrayal that haunts him still. He remembers little of the night except for one thing, burned into his mind: Arthur betrayed him. Arthur cannot be trusted. Now, a business man, Saito has come forward: with what seems to be Cobb's best hope of learning the truth about that night so many years ago...and with Cobb's best hope of clearing his name. In return, he only wants an impossible job performed. Inception. There is no room for failure. The stakes are too high. But there is an enemy haunting Cobb's enemy wearing the face of a man that Cobb knows only too well: Cobb's former point man, Arthur... Movie AU, Arthur/Cobb

Aníron: A possible future after the inception job. Arthur finds himself working a different kind of job to get away. Mild Arthur/Cobb. Also, crazy amounts of angst.

A Pattern of Butterflies: Done for an  inception_kink prompt. Five times they met in a past life and things didn't work out, and the one time the universe aligned in the present. Arthur/Eames.

A Question Of Scruples: Done for an inception_kink prompt. One of them has to shoot someone; the other doesn’t want to. “I’m a thief, not a murderer.” One-sided Arthur/Eames, mild Arthur/Cobb.

Bohemian Rhapsody: Done for inception_kink prompt. Inception x Kurohitsuji. Cobb is the best extractor in the world. Arthur is the best at what he does, working for Cobb as his demonic point man and bound to devour Cobb’s soul by a contract. Arthur/Cobb.

By Way Of Sorrow: Done for an inception_kink prompt and another prompt. Cobb jumps, on that anniversary night, with Mal. Arthur is left to pick up the pieces. Eames is patient. Arthur/Eames, implied one-sided Arthur/Cobb.

Four Minutes To Midnight: Done for a prompt by snow_angle15 on my lj post. Good Omens/Inception crossover, with horsemen, and Arthur and Cobb trying to find the (female) Antichrist. Short piece at the moment, link goes to comment.

(Fragmented) Spaces: Done for an inception_kink prompt. Questions of missing dates, fragments of memory, and the spaces between that Arthur slips through, now and then. Implied Arthur/Eames or Arthur/Cobb, depending on how you read.

Lady: Done for inception_kink prompt. Ariadne had boyfriends in the past but was usually referred to as cute and never taken very seriously in her relationships. The five times when Arthur told Ariadne she was beautiful in a way that made her believe it. Arthur/Ariadne.

Misericordia: Done for an inception_kink prompt. Misericorde: A narrow dagger used in medieval times to deliver the death stroke to a seriously wounded knight. Because death gives with one hand and takes with the other; what is a mercy is also harm. Possible Arthur/Cobb hints, Arthur/Eames hints, Ariadne/Yusuf hints.

Ṛta: Arthur meets Cobb by complete chance. A series that goes from pre-Inception to post-Inception. Elements of chance, determinism, possible fatalism, Indian philosophy and questions if what is happening in the fic is really happening. Mild Arthur/Cobb throughout.

Tôi Kratistôi: Done for a secret santa exchange, as giftfic for  koushi . Saito never hesitates. Robert finally decides what he wants. It is, surprisingly, as easy as that. Mild Robert/Saito.

Turnabout Is Fair Play: Done for an inception_kink prompt. Very crackish. Whenever Eames wants to annoy Arthur he starts humming Rule Britannia and Arthur gets it stuck in his head for days, damn you to hell, Eames. Mild Arthur/Eames.

Undreaming: The inability to dream; a relief, a lack of catharsis, and like all blessings, its own horror. Ficlets.

Vigil: Done for an inception_kink prompt. Cobb is critically injured, and in surgery. They’re not sure if he’s going to make it. Arthur can’t sleep, and finds himself in front of the hospital chapel. Mild Arthur/Cobb but can be read as gen.


Lord of the Rings:

Cup of Bitterness: Mortals die. The Elves fade away. And yet, in these two deaths there is a difference between mortals and immortals. And across time, the same choices and understanding are made…between Elrond and Elros, and Legolas and Aragorn.


Star Wars:

Anywhere But Here: Obi-Wan and Siri are separated from their Masters while on a mission. Unfortunately for them, Siri starts a little earlier than the scheduled lessons of the Jedi Temple. And Obi-Wan gets rather uncomfortable, and they both learn about life.

Attachment: It wasn’t so much of Anakin’s selfish love for Padme that led to the fall of the Jedi Order. It was Obi-Wan’s selfless attachment to his Padawan. It was Bant’s adherence to the Healer’s code. It was the sum of all these.

De Medietate Lunae: “Many are the good men who died in the fight for liberty - and for freedom. Today, on the birth of the New Republic, I ask you all lend them your respect in silence. For the Empire would not have fallen without them.”

Echoes In Eternity: “Brothers, what we do now echoes in eternity.” A meeting down the corridors of time, echoing. One of them must die.

I Will Hate: Atris reflects on all that she has become, as she waits for the Exile to follow the trail of the Handmaiden. M!Exile x Atris, mild M!Exile x Handmaiden.

Just A Man: Bastila’s been watching Revan very closely, for any sign that the Dark Lord is returning. And when she’s been watching, she’s been thinking. Jedi cannot love. Jedi are supposed to be above their passions. Possibly one-sided Bastila/Revan.

Linger: Set during Undeserved Grace, and after Use Somebody. Jocasta learns that Dooku has fallen to the Dark Side. But she also cannot deny the fact that she can’t let go of her friendship with Dooku - or that it is a dangerous attachment. Mild Dooku x Jocasta.

Passion: The Sith Imperium has fallen. The heir to the Emperor, Lord Vader, has been taken into custody, but at the cost of many Jedi. He is to be taken through the streets of Theed- and then executed. Padme is one of the rebels. AU. Oneshot.

Soldiers: Ahsoka Tano talks to Shekel Squad in the wake of Bardan Jusik's row with the Jedi Council. Anakin learns that in some ways, Jedi and clone troopers really aren't that different after all.

Ten Things About Bail Organa: Done for estora ’s meme. And at estora ’s request. Because we loves our politicians, we doesss, yessses. And I don’t own the reference to Lustoria Tempté. Sorry mate, I couldn’t help throwing your bit of brilliance back at you ;)

The Drunk Side: Extreme crack. Anakin is annoyed about how long it takes to become a Master, and goes bar-hopping, all around Coruscant. It turns out Anakin isn’t the only one drinking.

Three Doors Down: Say what they will about swirling Force and destiny. Alek’s death has always been waiting for him, three doors down in time.

Use Somebody: How did the Archives get erased, and how did Jocasta Nu not notice? And how did she react when she learned Kamino existed, but Dooku had erased it from the Archive memory? Mild Dooku x Jocasta.


Misc Fandoms:

Noble Warriors Trilogy:

Ten Things About Seeker After Truth: Done for estora ’s meme. And at muse’s request.

Notre Dame de Paris:

Do You Hate Me?: Gringoire and Phoebus, after the attack on the Notre Dame de Paris, and in the aftermath of all that happened. A chance meeting between Gringoire and Phoebus.

lord of the rings, assassin's creed, crossover, dresden files, linking post, star wars, bleach, harry potter, inception, kotor, fanfiction, dragon age, fic list, ghostbusters

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