
Apr 23, 2011 22:58

Title: Ṛta
Fandom: Inception
Rating: PG-13, R 
Characters: Arthur, Ariadne, Cobb, Mal, Miles,
Summary: Arthur meets Cobb by complete chance. A series that goes from pre-Inception to post-Inception. Elements of chance, determinism, possible fatalism, Indian philosophy and questions if what is happening in the fic is really happening. Mild Arthur/Cobb throughout.
Note: This is a series, with three fics. They're vaguely standalone, but have thematic and plot elements that carry along into each other. Thanks to drowninglub . This was one fun ride! :D Her art post can be found here.

“As above, so below,” - The Emerald Tablet, Hermetica

“In some sense man is a microcosm of the universe; therefore what man is, is a clue to the universe. We are enfolded in the universe.” - David Bohm

“The universe is made of stories, not atoms.” - Roger Penrose

Ṛta or the cosmic order, the inflexible law of universal order and harmony whereby all disorders and chaos are restored to equilibrium. Ṛta contributes to the maintenance of balance between the macro and micro levels of existence. Ṛta maintains order in three planes/worlds/spheres of existence, and is described as that which is ultimately responsible for the natural (cosmic), moral, and sacrificial orders. Vedic philosophy considers three states of human consciousness which lead to a deeper, underlying (cosmic) state referred to as pure consciousness: waking, dreaming, and deep-sleep.

1: Bada' - Pāramāthika, cosmic
2:  Porcelain - Vyāvahārika, justice
3: Wish You Were Here - Prāthibhāsika, moral

bada', mal, arthur, cobb, porcelain, linking post, wish you were here, inception, Ṛta, miles, fanfiction, arthur/cobb, ariadne

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