Title: Altair Email Network
Fandom: Inception
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Ariadne, Arthur, Cobb, Eames, Saito, Yusuf
Summary: A glance at the emails and inboxes of the team during a job. Slightly cracky. Slight hints of Arthur/Cobb.
Note: This is vastly inspired by the little section in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood where you can access the emails (as Desmond) of your team mates. At some points, lines will look very reminiscent of some in-game emails. All written in the spirit of good fun, humour, and the crack that pre-exam stress seems to evoke in me. Also, it got a bit plotty. That's the bit I wrote after the exam. Images in the graphic were bases, courtesy of ithika from hollow-art. Except the Arthur one.