Title Don't Wake Me Theme Theme 2: never a right time for love @ het_100 Character/Pairing Lambo Bovino, I-Pin, hints of Lambo->I-Pin Rating PG Warning None. Wordcount 100
Title Himitsu [English: Secret] Character/Pairing I-Pin, mentions of Lambo Bovino Rating PG Warning None. Wordcount 448 Note Posted mostly as a back-up method in case this hard drive blows up like all the rest of mine have. Kind of crap.
Title After All... Theme March 3: that unnoticed & that necessary @ 31_days Character/Pairing Lambo Bovino, allusions to Lambo/I-Pin Rating G or Kids (10+) Warning None. Wordcount 284 Note lol @ me having this finished early so it could still be posted on time then totally forgetting to post it. :| This one does not totally please me, but i can't quite
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Title La Pétite Mort Chapter Four Character/Pairing Haru Miura, Hayato Gokudera, I-Pin, Lambo Bovino, and Kyouko Sasagawa, Takeshi Yamamoto Warning None. Wordcount 1,860
Title La Pétite Mort Chapter Two Character/Pairing Haru Miura, Kyouko Sasagawa, I-Pin, Lambo Bovino, and Takeshi Yamamoto, Hayato Gokudera Warning None. Wordcount 1,783
Title La Pétit Mort Chapter One Character/Pairing Hayato Gokudera, Takeshi Yamamoto, Haru Miura, and Kyouko Sasagawa, I-Pin, Lambo Bovino Warning Too much angst and a bit of swearing. Wordcount 1,794
Title Missione: Impossibile Theme November 10: Disasterology: The Family that Schemes Together... at 31_days Character/Pairing Kyouko Sasagawa, Haru Miura, Lambo Bovino, I-Pin and Bianchi Rating G or Kids Warning No spoilers! Wordcount 919