Title Himitsu [English: Secret]
Character/Pairing I-Pin, mentions of Lambo Bovino
Rating PG
Warning None.
Wordcount 448
Note Posted mostly as a back-up method in case this hard drive blows up like all the rest of mine have. Kind of crap.
Most of her childhood was spent completely misunderstood. Not in the usual sense of angsting and the miscommunications that come so frequently between adults and children - she was practically raised by children. Her misunderstandings were due to something far simpler, though nearly as insurmountable: a language barrier.
She had learned just enough Japanese to get by when she was sent on her mission at the ripe age of five, but it wasn't nearly enough. That, coupled with how so many of the characters seemed familiar in writing but almost always turned out to mean something completely different, should have been enough to make a girl cry. But she was no ordinary girl, and she more than made up for what she lacked in tongue and eyesight. She befriended a soon-to-be very influential person in the mafia world, and likewise befriended someone who would almost certainly never amount to much in the mafia world. One friendship took much longer than the other, though even now she wasn't quite sure which it was, with the way things came to pass in time.
Ten years later and her Japanese was nearly flawless, though sometimes the Chinese words still stuck stubbornly to her tongue (thankfully never on her deliveries). It usually happened when she would try to talk to him, the bottom of the mafia totem pole. Of course, she had little interest in those things nowadays, with her job and a life at university looming on her horizon. Yet she could not shake it off completely, anymore than she could him.
While her blushing no longer literally set her off, her shyness still overwhelmed her sometimes. The way his deep green eyes would watch her when he thought she couldn't notice, heading down the hallway with her laundry or a stack of books for studying. The way his hair never did and probably never would lay flat, even if it had calmed quite a lot since they were so much smaller. And yet...
A part of her, even beyond the shyness, kept a tight hold on the reins. That still-awkward part of her that continued to speak in Chinese, that continued to urge her to practice her skills, that warned her of the dangers of falling in love when your life was that of an assassin. So she stayed just warm enough to be a friend, but never truly inviting. Only during the daydreams that played as she fell asleep at night, the ones vivid enough to part through the numbers and terminology like vines in a vast jungle of facts, did she let herself fly freely into him and be caught - wanting, willing and no longer waiting - in his arms.