I'm alive!

Jan 29, 2012 12:10

Hello LJ friends. Yes, I'm still alive. It's been ages since I've been on here. Being a Mom takes up so much of my time that blogging just kind of fell to the wayside.

Things are going pretty well in the Shively household. Zaine is 9 months and pulling up on everything. I think he'll be walking before he hits a year but other than that, I can't guess. I've asked his sitters (Elery's Aunt and mother) not to tell me if they see him walk unless I've already told them he can. I want the first time I see it to be the first time. Being a working Mom is hard sometimes when you think about things like that.

Savannah is getting big. Halfway through the third grade already. She does Girl Scouts with her mom in Argonia. She's a great big sister and the older Z gets, the more she wants to play/interact with him. She tells him all the time how adorable he is. <3

Work's been crazy and a little stressful lately but it's starting to settle down. I really like my job but the older Zaine gets, the more I wish I could stay home with him. I was recently elected to our discount/event club, Association of County Employees (ACE). We find events in town, get cheaper tickets at the group rate, and then use employee dues to offer the tickets even cheaper to employees. It's a lot of fun so far!

Elery and his friends formed a fire spinning troupe they named Phlox. They performed an LED show at the Midwest Burlesque showcase last weekend. It was awesome!

I paid off my Lexus at the beginning of January. Yay! One goal for 2012 scratched off the list! Other goals include: paying off our credit cards, paying off Elery's Honda, maintaining a savings account, re-doing Savannah's room to give her more space, and trying to read more often. I'm working my way through the A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series right now. I love it, but it's kind of depressing at the same time, ha. Mondays are my night to turn the TV and computer off and read!

This winter has been incredibly mild. It's supposed to be almost 6 today..again! Once it gets warm enough, I'm hoping to take my little family for a walk by the river. Got to get out and enjoy this sunshine!

Lots of plans for the upcoming year: Bassnectar in KC, InterFuse (we missed last year's since Z was so little!), Blue Man Group in Wichita, and going to Buffalo & Niagara Falls over Memorial Day weekend to visit my father and his side of the family. Savannah is so excited about going to Canada!

Off to read some of my lovely LJ friend journals. Sorry I've been such a slacker. Thank you to those who still care about me. :)

work, family, savannah, vacation, zaine

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