zaine update

Jun 04, 2011 11:25

You know, I'm not sure I ever posted this but, somewhere right around week 3, breastfeeding stopped sucking so much. (I feel like there's a joke in there somewhere...). I'm really glad I stuck with it. I mean, those first 3 weeks were awful and the thought of going through that for 3 weeks had me depressed as can be, but now it is SO easy and convenient and, of course, FREE! However, I do need Zaine to still accept the occasional bottle in case I ever want to, you know, go anywhere. Like work. Ok, so I can bring the kiddo to work with me but still! ;) The only part that's difficult about nursing now is that I think Zaine has a dairy allergy (which he will most likely outgrow). I've cut out dairy for the last 3 days and he's been a lot happier and less fussy between that and the zantac. It is HARD to cut out dairy though. There is hidden dairy in EVERYTHING! I need to go to the store and get some other food items because there is so much in my house that I can't eat!

Zaine is growing like a weed. I weighed him 2 days ago and he was 11 lbs and 3oz at 7 weeks. Man, 7 does NOT feel like it's been that long. He's still sleeping pretty poorly which may or may not be in part due to his reflux. I started giving him gas drops before bed the last 2 nights and we got slightly longer stretches of sleep then the hour and a half stretches I'd been dealing with. I'm not sure if it's a fluke or not, but I think I will continue just to be on the safe side!

Last night was awesome! Elery and I had a date night of sorts though of course, the baby was with us. We had supper at Village Inn (I had delicious multigrain pancakes, hashbrowns, bacon, and tomatos). After supper we came home and I took a short nap before the baby decided he was starving and had to eat RIGHT THEN or he would perish (as evidenced by his loud screams lol). Then we headed out to watch the fireworks at RiverFest. We got a spot right over near exploration place/the keeper of the plains. It was a great spot, Zaine did sooooo well with the loud noises, and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL out. When we got home, the baby and I sat on the porch swing while Ekery played with his flow staff for a bit and then I put the baby down for bed and enjoyed a nice glass of white zin. He actually slept for 4 hours in a row last night (which hasn't happened in over a week!) but of course, I didn't think or expect he would so I stayed up and I still only got to enjoy 2 hours of that sleep stretch. Oh well! He slept in 2 hour stretches after that (which is still up from our hour and a half so I'll take it!) and only nursed for a few minutes before going right back to sleep and then we slept in til 9. :)

This afternoon we plan to head out to the lake where my in-laws are camping for the weekend and hang out! In fact, I should probably go get ready for that though I'm not sure what time we're going up there.

Oh and I didn't write about this but FB people already know... My ILs sold us their Lexus Rx300 (an SUV) for about half of what it is worth so I sold my saturn to CarMax (easiest car selling experience ever and they gave me a good amount for my car) and am now driving around in the lexus. I love it! We have so much more room with the 2 kids and it's just so nice! It has so many cool little features. And the best part of the whoile deal is, I'm only about $200 more in the hole with buying the lexus then I was with my saturn so I should still have my vehicle paid off early next year.
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