iohanne wrote in christianity Mar 22, 2016 20:08
worship, god's presence, eschatology, theosis, atonement, a sharing of faith, mystical, transformation, tongues, psalms, the holy spirit, in christ, adam and eve, fellowship, priesthood, personal testimony, spiritual growth, biblical interpretation, baptism, gifts of the spirit, eucharist, symbolism, kingdom of god, sacrifice, sacraments, communion, spiritual progress, abraham, redemption, divine love, born again, inspirational, spirit of god, becoming christian, liturgy, speaking in tongues, spiritual gifts
chordatesrock wrote in christianity Jun 28, 2013 20:59
spyro_prime wrote in christianity Jul 10, 2009 14:58
women, symbolism, philokalia
chordoflife wrote in christianity Nov 29, 2007 23:16
anglican/episcopal, eucharist, symbolism