
Jun 24, 2018 13:24

I say this every year, but it never stops being true: I will never get used to the summer heat out here. I used to live in Texas where it gets just as hot and has higher humidity so you'd think I'd be somewhat used to this by now, but no. Alex and I go for our outings early in the morning and by 9 a.m. I'm ready to pack it in and move inside for the rest of the day.

Aaron took the motorcycle to the track this weekend despite the heat. He and his friend have been trying to plan a track day for over a year now so when their schedules finally lined up, they decided they could deal with the heat. Aaron invited Alex and me along and while Alex would have enjoyed it, I'm not sure he would have been interested for that long. Plus the heat makes us both cranky.

Alex has been obsessed with both dogs and blueberries this week. I usually bring two different kinds of fruit with me for his snack, but have just been doubling up on blueberries. Now, whenever he sees a dog at the park he makes me take him over and say hi. Luckily most of the people and dogs at the park are friendly and like meeting new people, but I really have to force myself to do this as I typically avoid as much social interaction as I can. This picture sums up Alex's week:

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