
Jun 19, 2018 14:27

It has been almost eerily quiet next door this past week since my next door neighbors moved out. The owner sold the house, but my neighbors said no one ever came to look at it and no one has come by after they left either. It seems a little odd, but I'll enjoy the quiet for now and hope for nice neighbors once someone else moves in.

Bedtime has been rough for Alex for the last couple weeks. It used to 20-30 minutes to get him to sleep, but lately his been fighting sleep and being the physical kid he is, I am both physically and mentally exhausted by the time he finally goes to sleep. I know it's temporary and he's gone through similar phases before, but it's tiring.

There's been an uptick in gang activity nearby recently. Our park was tagged with gang related graffiti, though it was quickly painted over. There have been several shootings uncharacteristic for the area and very close to home. Thursday night I heard people setting off fireworks, which usually happens around this time of year peaking on the week of the 4th of July and going through the end of the summer. This time it wasn't fireworks, it was five teenagers being shot on the train tracks near my house.

It's been hot so I froze some small toys into ice blocks and put them in Alex's water table. He was not impressed and is much less interested in the water table than I thought he would be. I'm trying to find things he'll enjoy this summer, but it seems all he wants to do is climb on the back of the couch, pretend it's a motorcycle, and crash said motorcycle. Yeah. I have a boy.

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