
Jun 06, 2018 14:02

Driving is one of my major stressors and something that I will do almost anything to avoid. Traffic is getting much worse and so much heavier even around town that I switched back to taking Alex the the park in our neighborhood. For the people here who commute, though, it is utterly ridiculous. Not too long ago, I woke up to honking at 3:45 a.m. It was like a parking lot for the people trying to get out of town and onto the freeway, which was yet another parking lot. Aaron took his motorcycle to work that day because he had a training class that he couldn't be late for, but he makes a point of riding infrequently because there are regularly fatal accidents involving motorcycles on his route to work. Today was no different, but this time it was the co-worker of someone I know and she had to break it to the family.

Today was also a huge mommy fail day for me that started out with a major temper tantrum that half involved sitting on the potty and half involved not being able to eat as many cookies as he wanted before sitting on the potty. We ended up with pee all over the house (that kid is fast), lots of tears and screaming, no cookies, and no time to go to the park because I was busy cleaning pee out of the carpet and doing laundry. It wasn't pretty, but at least Aaron was still here for part of it.

I'm just happy that I took the time to go grocery shopping and cook yesterday so we actually have food today and it's one less thing to worry about. Anything that makes our day even a little bit easier is always welcome. Plus, I think Alex's water table was delivered today. There's a big box on the porch. We'll check it out when he gets up from his nap.
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