Various Shows

Aug 08, 2009 17:33

Next Top Five meme answer coming up soon! I'm figuring one a day is about right for me. Until then, here are shows I have been watching:

Big Bang Theory

I heard too much about this and had to give it a try! So far: good but not great. I know that shows can take several episodes or a season to settle in so I'm not giving up on it becoming great as I continue to watch it. Sheldon is awesome and I love his pure geekiness. Leonard seems to have the best grasp on dealing with non-nerds though he still doesn't really get it. Oh, and please tell me that Leonard doesn't spend half of each show pining over Penny for the rest of the season! I like the character but I'm already done with that. The other two male characters I could live without. So far they're mainly annoying though I'm willing to like them in the future. Penny is a cypher so far. She's nice and pretty and nice. That's all I've got. I hope that she gets more character development other than being the love interest. Bringing in Sara Gilbert as a recurring character was good move not only for the meta enjoyment of seeing Darlene and David together again, but for providing a little balance to the cast. I realize that part of the conceit of the show is worlds colliding and mismatched romance, but I really didn't like that only the men were geniuses.


Season one down, seven more to go! I'm REALLY happy that they didn't kill off Ellie and Maisie in the final episode of the season. If they had, I would be done with the show. I often love the angst and pain, but that would have been too much. I couldn't even really watch the last part of the episode and then they left it a cliffhanger! *hmph* Good thing I have the internet. I think that my favorite character (though she's probably gone as of the end of the season) is Tessa. She's just a great character with her affairs and her ghost agents and not being twenty like she would be on US tv. I also loved having Hugh Laurie on the show as the MI6 section chief! I usually see him as House so it's easy to forget he's British. (Oh, I don't really forget, but I don't think about it.) Lastly, I highly approve of Tom removing his clothing on a regular basis. Yum!

The Closer

We recently caught up on all the episodes and I'm enjoying it just as much as I did previous seasons. One weakness in the past was Fritz's character but they've finally figured out who he is and how to write him in a relationship with a strong woman without having him be a dupe or an idiot. The best example of that was in Walking Back the Cat. Damn, was that a funny episode! I loved seeing how well he knows her and he could play her just right so that they both got what they wanted and she had no idea that it wasn't her plan all along. They even managed to make the end of kitty (which had me sniffling a bit in the previous episode) funny. Brenda Lee Johnson must have met the Doctor at some point because her purse is definitely bigger on the inside. On a less happy note with the show, I'm missing Det. Daniels this season. She was underutilized so I can see where she would want to leave, but it means that there are no other women on the show for Brenda to talk to on a regular basis. I admit it. I like having women on my shows and I miss them when they are not there. However, I do love having Mary McDonnell on the show! I know that Brenda is the lead here, but I loved Roslin's smackdowns and would love have another one.

Animal Armageddon

I feel as though there should be exclamation points after that name. *g* Anyone else see this on Animal Planet? It's dramatizations of all the major extinctions throughout Earth's history. I have no idea just how much science the series is based on (though they seem to have the basics correct), but it certainly drives home just how fragile life is and how easily it could all have ended at different points. Once things go out of balance, it can take a million years to bring it back.

tv: the closer, tv: spooks, tv: big bang theory

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