Top Five Scenes Showcasing The Tenth Doctor's Hair

Aug 07, 2009 12:51

This entry in the top five meme was asked by thunderemerald and is all about Ten's hair. We all know that his hair is awesome and I could probably pick a scene in every episode that shows especially good hair moments. Hell, the hair deserves an acting credit. To narrow it down to five, I decided to pick five different sort of hair moments.

1. Tousled Hair (Midnight) He's just been put through the ringer and almost thrown from an airlock. Not his best day by a long shot. The Doctor usually finds a way to get control of a situation so being at the mercy (or lack of mercy) of others has got to be a harrowing experience. And his hair shows it. This is hair that was completely terrified and still hasn't gotten over it. Maybe by tomorrow it will be able to arrange itself into one of the Doctor's usual hairstyles, but for now it's disheveled, tousled, and out of sorts.

2. Neatly Combed Hair (VotD) Ten's hair understands that when he is in a tux it must neatly arrange itself. To be all big or fluffy or wildly messy just will not do. So instead it lies neatly with a nice part and a bit of a curl over the forehead. These are also good qualities to have when Ten is chatting up a pretty girl. The hair is not dumb and knows that it looks especially sleek and sexy here.

3. Completely Wild Hair (Smith and Jones) Of course, sometimes when meeting a new girl, the hair just gets too damn excited! I'm trying to remember if Ten's hair has ever looked more wild than it does here and I can't think of anything. The hair is standing on end in the first couple of caps and then ends up even crazier by the end of the scene. Even if Ten blows hot and cold for season three, the hair tells us that the Doctor likes Martha A LOT. I do find it amusing, though, that the hair arranges itself rather neatly as they are running away. It wants to look good, but not too eager, during the kiss scene.

4. Wet Hair (New Earth) What compilation of awesome Ten hair would be complete without the excellent decontamination shower scene? Certainly this one wouldn't be! The hair starts out all nice and fluffy. Mild mannered and not giving us a hint of what's to come. Then the water comes streaming down and Ten and his hair are overjoyed. Very overjoyed. I've just lost my train of thought...

5. Big Hair (TUatW) Over the years, Ten's hair has gotten bigger -- higher and more carefully constructed. At some point it discovered product and quickly realized that its awesome could be increased with the proper application of gel. This scene is a very hot example of big hair as paired with specs and eyebrow action. Guh.

Caps from obsessive_caps

david tennant, picspam: doctor who, meme, picspam: tennant, picspam, tv: doctor who

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