A Couple More Five Things Lists

Aug 10, 2009 00:43

Moving along with my top five things meme posts, I have finished artic_fox's request! I was having trouble with the 'characters I want to slap' prompt, but I've decided that I would only use three and that works for me.

Top Five TV Shows Ever

1. Doctor Who Not a big surprise I think! And I'm talking about the whole messy, multi-decade length of it. Some bits more than others but that's part of its charm. If you don't like a particular Doctor or era all that much, wait until it changes again and you may be happy with the new version. Of course, if you adore a particular Doctor or era, it can be rather traumatizing to deal with the changes.

2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series I put these two together even though they're two very different shows mostly so I could have six show in five slots. *g* I dearly love both of these shows and have spent many, many hours watching them and talking about them and reading about them. Buffy has the overall edge over AtS mainly because of Spike. His story was incredible, from throwaway villain to hero sacrificing his life. But he's not the only reason to love the show. Every character brings something special to the whole.

3. Battlestar Galactica The third of my three favorite shows of all time. Months later, I'm still coming to terms with the ending and trying to be happy with it. However, that doesn't negate the awesome of the rest of the series (any more than the ending of Buffy prevents me from enjoying the rest). The first season of BSG was one of the best seasons of any show ever.

4. Life on Mars It took me most of the first season to fall in love with this show, but, when I did, it was all over. The second season blew me away the ending was just completely perfect. It's one show where I don't want any more.

5. The West Wing I drifted away from this show when Sorkin left since the dialog and characterized just weren't the same anymore. However, the first four seasons were amazing.

Top Five Three TV Characters I Want To Slap Sometimes

There were two ways to do this. Either pick all the characters that I like but annoy me sometimes or pick the characters I love that also annoy me sometimes. The first option left me with SO MANY more than five with no way to narrow it down that it just didn't work. *g* The second option left me with three. Not that I only love three characters, but I love these three more than any others by a large margin. And with love comes irritation, mainly because I love characters that can be real asses on a fairly regular basis. It they're not saying exactly the wrong thing at the wrong moment, they're being incredibly insensitive or oblivious. But that doesn't mean that I love them any less. Just that they deserve the occasional slap.

The Doctor - Doctor Who All the Doctors need slaps sometimes! Most of the examples I can think of have to do with Ten, but that's just because I watched his episodes most recently. See my recent 'Times I Wanted to Slap the Doctor' picspam/post for a few times he's deserved it.

Spike - BTVS I love him, but he very much has foot in mouth disease. Think back to the morning after in Wrecked when he crows that the only thing better than killing a slayer is fucking one. Yeah, good one there. I'm really surprised that he never irritated everyone else enough that they staked him. Such is the power of a contract. *g* Or maybe it's the cheekbones...

Kara - BSG She's completely messed up, self-destructive, and frequently hypocritical. She's also awesome and badass. Without her the colonial fleet would have been screwed with no chance of survival. (I know that she's not the only one, but her flying and shooting skills saved them more than once.) Still, she sometimes needs a slap to snap her out of her downward spirals.

tv: life on mars, tv: bsg, meme, tv: ats, picspam, tv: doctor who

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