So, I was derping around online doing valid and necessary research on the LJRP community for anthropology class (yep, yep, totally) when I ran across
metafandom and of course got sucked in. I was mostly there to look at the topics and find out exactly how one submits articles to be linked, as I'm interested in posting my ethnography (when it is finished) to
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Although I have to say -- I'm glad there are real feminists around to tell them no for meI can't quite agree with that, or the reinforcing-sense-of-privilege-by-explaining. It would be nice if people would just spontaneously recognize their privilege and work to correct the various -isms (be it racism, sexism, classism, ableism, etc.), but it will never happen, not on an effective scale. It's not fair that minority groups have to explain to people in power why something is wrong and why things need to be changed, and I respect those people who go: "I don't want to be your educator. Sorry ( ... )
My answer is more complicated, though, and sometimes a complicated answer does more harm than good. These men are in a sense saying, "Wait, so if I do this it's sexist but if she does the exact same thing then it's not? Isn't that... sexist?" The most effective answer is not, "Well, it's not the action that is sexist but the beliefs and values behind it..." because most men do not believe that they hold sexist beliefs or values. You are set up to fail because everyone believes either that they are an exception to the rule or that society as a whole isn't as bad as you're painting it.
So, no, the most effective answer that I can think of really is to slap them in the face with, "No, and shut up." When they have been burned enough times to finally get it through their heads that maybe you're not the one with the problem, then they will be ready for the longer explanation.
But by seeing ( ... )
RL not sexism example. Remember the whole hoopla with LJ and the transphobic question of the day thing?
Friend: I don't understand why everyone thinks that question is transphobic.
Me: A) Because it made it seem like being trans is the equivalent of being a criminal and B) it implies that transgender people are obligated to tell their partners they're trans.
Friend: Okay, I see that connection and it's just silly. As for B, while I wouldn't say people are obligated to tell their partners they're trans, if you're that close with someone, I think you really should ( ... )
At the moment, I'm not much babbling about my ~issues~ -- it's kind of work/fannish focused at this point. But I'm sure something soon will set me off again.
I'm glad you're having this conversation. ♥ You've given me a lot to think about (when I'm more awake).
It might have been that my experiences tell me that smacking people around is the normal way to handle ignorance when it comes to these things.
Or it might've been that it worked for me.
Seriously, I forget. WTF.
If they do ask these questions, yes, people should answer them. Or if they phrase it in the form of a statement, like, "I don't get why..." But not if they're coming at the discussion with the presumption that they already understand and that their personal experiences trump those of the group at large. That is a position of privilege and their minds are already closed to anything that will not reinforce that privilege.
A male can't help being male anymore than a female being female.
Is it "mansplaining" just because they happen to be male? It's just another form of discrimination. In reality a man can be just as knowledgeable or informative on a variety of issues without being in fact female.
It just sounds like.. "if you're looking for discrimination you will find it, whether it truly exists or not". Learn to be patient with others, to understand each other, and perhaps you'll learn the root of te misunderstanding rather than grandstanding as if you are the only one capable of intelligent thought.
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