So, I was derping around online doing valid and necessary research on the LJRP community for anthropology class (yep, yep, totally) when I ran across
metafandom and of course got sucked in. I was mostly there to look at the topics and find out exactly how one submits articles to be linked, as I'm interested in posting my ethnography (when it is finished) to
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I don't remember the question of the day thing, though, because I honestly avoided the whole oppression issue because I got burned once by some very cruel people (the whole bit about cat macros and ASCII art? That actually happened to me.) and saw the level of passion and anger in the community at large - this was a bit before racefail, but I saw some of that, too - and was like, "nope, I can't hack this." Actually, I will confess that I stopped reading your LJ because there was too much of that stuff in it for me. I should put you back on my default view again. X3;
Anyway, yeah. The only reason I'm having this conversation is because I have been slowly and slightly changed by my wonderful feminist girlfriend, and because I'm the sort of introspective person who must find out all of the reasons why I got burned so as to ensure that it never happens again. That's what led me here in the first place.
At the moment, I'm not much babbling about my ~issues~ -- it's kind of work/fannish focused at this point. But I'm sure something soon will set me off again.
I'm glad you're having this conversation. ♥ You've given me a lot to think about (when I'm more awake).
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