So, I was derping around online doing valid and necessary research on the LJRP community for anthropology class (yep, yep, totally) when I ran across
metafandom and of course got sucked in. I was mostly there to look at the topics and find out exactly how one submits articles to be linked, as I'm interested in posting my ethnography (when it is finished) to
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In your coffee shop scenario I suspect the two groups would more than likely keep to themselves. In my experience when groups of people splinter off into their own cliques they don't bother to eavesdrop or butt in to another group's conversation. Usually it takes some sort of catalyst for that to ever change, something greater than a few overheard sentences.
Then you wouldn't be resting your case on solid ground. Just because a person may disagree with your opinions it does not mean that they must be of the opposite gender. The reason for my anonymity is merely due to the fact that I was curious how many conclusions you might jump to. My social ties as well as yours should have nothing to do with a localized debate, or exchange of ideas. I am not familiar with you and yet I was interested enough to finish reading what you had to say, even though I disagree wholeheartedly. I am not of the opinion that anyone I don't know must therefore be irrelevant. Quite the opposite I'm afraid. It's only through engaging with others, comparing their experience to my own, can one truly grow in certain areas.
And to refute your answers. Firstly, 1. How is the person explaining something to you supposed to automatically know what you know? Are they supposed to be psychic? It can be irritating when someone relates a topic you are already more familiar with but they really have no way of knowing to what extent you're acquainted with it. The condescending part is a mute point as females and males can both be condescending. Secondly, I still can't condone further dividing people by gender or otherwise. If one seeks equality one must be willing to let those differences fall to the background.
And you don't see how childish that is? Just because they happen to be male? I used to hate when I was younger and teams would be divided up as boys Vs. girls. We always beat them, and it was dull... but I thought by now we'd be past boys vs. girls. It is not rude to have an opinion that varies and a desire to express that difference. It's impossible to highlight a difference when there is none. I don't appreciate people being condescending whether they are male or female. They are only privileged if you have convinced yourself that they are. There are far more women promoted at my job then men, because the women are working hard to achieve those goals and not for any other reason. I don't consider a woman as less of a person.
What subtle differences are those? As of yet I have seen no valid example. I have had far more women talk down to me then men. To be perfectly honest.
The mind creates discrimination.. our eyes just project images to our mind that then interprets them. Beyond that, a complicated DNA sequence creates the eyes. Your mind interprets what your experiencing and you determine whether it's discrimination or not and a person who is actually discriminating makes the choice, mentally, to go through with the act. I'm not saying that discrimination doesn't exist but I am saying that it does not happen as much as people believe it does in everyday life.
Fascinating, a textbook version you say? Even though in reality I am not male? That seems to support my case, not yours. You're welcome for the presentation of a different opinion. Last I checked the internet was not exclusive and anyone could have commented if they wanted to. I wonder if your response would have been as negative if I had been agreeing with you. Would it still have been considered "butting in"? So no, you're not challenging my "privilege" as a male since as we are both female we would be exposed to the same level of "privilege" in society that you have created in your own mind for yourself. I have not limited myself in that fashion. If you convince yourself that the world is out to get you, than it will seem that the world is out to get you. Self-fulfilling prophecy. And thank you for being as condescending as possible and proving my point about the entire ordeal, or at least the fact that one can assume incorrectly quite easily if they are too impatient to learn the truth before speaking and acting.
You seem to assume that, because I believe in having a different word for something when a man does something than when a woman does it, I personally believe in treating the man differently.
You seem to assume that, despite my repeated claims to the contrary, I have not once spoken your arguments myself almost word for word and truly believed them.
You assume that I come from a similar background to yours and therefore give the same respect to an anonymous commenter that I would give to a stranger who signs his name to posts.
You assume that my viewpoints are caused by some mental deficiency such as paranoia or lack of experience in the world rather than a combination of experience and introspection. Yet you seem to bristle at the implication that your viewpoint is the result of anything less than sophistication and superior knowledge of the world when it is in fact the view we are all indoctrinated in at birth.
I don't envy you. My mistakes are at least easily corrected.
The only thing I really assumed about you is that you would in fact believe me to be male when I responded, which was proven. The other things you mention was conjecture, no where did I state that it was what I truly believed.
You are treating a man differently by categorizing it. Do you also refer to a woman in a similiar circumstance as "womansplaining" or any similiar term?
I never assumed we come from a similiar background. If you're referring to the comment about privilege that was only to show how ridiculous it is to believe that one has more or less privilege based on gender. I'm certain we are different, in many things. No doubt whatsoever. Privilege like anything depends on the individual and their circumstances, background, and everything. If that's the part you meant, you took it the entirely wrong way. If it was just about being anonymous then wow, there are more important things to worry about. For real.
Paranoia has not been entirely ruled out nor entirely confirmed. I wouldn't call it a mental deficiency though. Many bright people have been paranoid in the past. It often means they just had issues relating to others. I laugh at the later part. Way to misinterpret a person. I would be the first to tell you I'm not always right about everything but please.. indoctrinated from birth? That doesn't sound paranoid at all. I can't even remember anything from my birth, or early formative years, can you? And haven't your opinions in fact changed over the years? In that case your indoctrination was a horrible failure. People will grow and develop in different ways, no one can have complete control over another. Though I have witnessed much attempted indoctrination in the media and in school (college especailly). Not teaching opposing point of views is a large part of it, leaving out facts from history to suit one's goals being another. Somehow, my childhood pales in comparison to the indoctrination attempts I've been exposed to in the present.
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