An Evening Out

Jul 25, 2005 23:53

I woke up this morning not expecting to do too much. I did plan on going swimming at Preston's. So I got up. I updated my blog so that I could be satisfied. It's weird. I just feel accomplished each time I add an entry. Anyways...I then went to Preston's and swam. It was fun but I got to say that between Andy, Spencer, and Preston there was a lot of man-on-man action. It was pretty freaky. Not that I wasn't getting any. I, of course, am lucky enough to have Preston's sister who likes me right now. I don't know if it's the right thing but it feels good because as I run it down in my head, I think to myself that this is new and something I have never done before. I have a chance to be with a pom. Now I have said that I don't know if there's a mental connection. But I'm a guy and the physical connection is important and you can develop the mental later.

Preston's mom started throwing his shit out his window and pool toys that had sodomized people during the man-on-man action were breaking so we split and left. They went to the credit union and Wal-Mart. I came home and was verbally flogged by my mother. I was in one of those situations that you just can't dodge. I was told to say something and I didn't want to. I was asked repeatedly to respond to a question that I wanted to keep rhetorical. Well, I did it. I don't know why. I can't explain it. But I answered it. And you know what? My answer got me the title of a smart ass. I could've told her that cause I was going to speak my mind and be smart about it. I don't understand anything anymore. She'll go on about stuff all the time and I won't a clue what the problem is. She actually yelled at me and said don't answer a question with a question. Mom, I asked you if you needed me to be home tonight. You said why? That is answering a question with a question. I DON'T UNDERSTAND

Left here and went to Movies 6 to see Kingdom of Heaven. This movie was highly controversial not for its topic but for its audience. We were not fit to see this movie. I liked it but felt like I needed cliff notes at times. Most people who went (esp. Spencer) hated it. In fact, I believe Alexander was mentioned as being better by Spencer. I can't help myself. Bullshit! Alexander was awful. I kept thinking "kick his ass, Orlando" throughout the entire movie. Each time he did, I was happy. The movie was complex. I still don't know what all happened historically. I just know Jerusalem went through some shit.

After the movie, everyone went to Steak n' Shake. We had a good talk, me and the four on the one end. The other four on the other end got to talking while we were talking and well, they didn't talk to us and we didn't talk to them. So a magic divide occurred and I can't say much about it other than "It wasn't me". I did not have anything to do with it. All I did was sit there and enjoy the conversation that came my way. Paige, Josh Hall, Spencer, and Preston...thanks for a good time at Steak n' Shake.


I don't want to end on that note so let me toss something in. The Shawshank Redemption and The Godfather are the next two must-see movies on my list. While Hollywood is giving me garbage to watch in theatres like The Island and Bad News Bears which could not compete with Johnny Depp Wonka Movie or Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson Party Movie last weekend (also, this garbage affects business in the theatres cause people end up staying home and then I get cut from working and don't get to get a paycheck that day), I am watching the classics.

It's always fun to be with everybody and I enjoyed tonight a lot. Good night all.
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