Jul 28, 2005 22:54
What have I been doing for more than a week? Hanging with friends
What do I want to continue to do? Hang with friends
But the harsh reality is that we have families and we need to be with them or a lot of what we do costs money and we need to take some time off. I can easily pull away from my family compared to most people. I also am lucky enough to be able to easily find money to do the things I want. But I do feel like taking a break for a while. Reluctantly.
It's been great. Like I said, monday night was good. Then Tues night people were here and we were just hanging around in my basement. We did it again but went to Allison's for a couple hours last night too. Life is good. But for four days or so...it's probably a good thing to take a break. That way then the next time we all want to do something there's a good chance everyone will be able to pull away from their family and do it.