Jan 21, 2015 23:18
Boy have they been strange lately. This morning I woke up after aranging for someone to come and re-finish my MIL's wood floors.. and then I was like "why the hell am I doing this? We have to move everything.." I also had a dream within a dream.. which was kind of freaky, where I was describing the dream that I had to my father.. in my dream. I have had a number of dreams with my father in them lately. Not sure why.
I'm hoing to stay home tomorrow, but for going out to the post office to put a book in the mail. I have W-2's to do ,and I also have to get caught up on bank stuff. UG. I hate this time of year.
Oh and due to cutbacks, my 1099's that I ordered that are due to be sent in a week, are still not here! Thank you oh magnificent govermenment, that in your wisdom demands and accounting of taxes, yet makes it as hard as possible to do so. Assholes.
We sold another of last semester's books on line.. I dont' get this whole college book thing. Everythign HE needs is expensive, but when we go to sell them, there is no demand and the prices are suddenly rock bottom. What the hell? This is assinine. Oh and a new thing, one teacher requires students to have a special clicker to take tests with... so thats another 20 bucks or so.. for a freaking clicker.. Which no doubt he wont be able to get rid of for more than 3 bucks at the end of the semester... I think we will just price it higher and say the hell with it. Mabye someone will buy it next semester.. or maybe we should just keep it. In case someone else requires it.
The guy who does the digs for us in the winter posted a photo on FB showing his dig in another cemetery. 2 feet of frost. That's a LOT. For around here anyway. Thats what you get when you have no snow, and lots of rain before the freeze. We may get a bit of snow tomorrow, but not much. Sat a chance for more.. Way under normal snowfall this year, though the rain is at least making up for the water deficit.