people suck

Mar 23, 2008 13:01

People on youtube keep subscribing to my channel, I assume because of my Dante's Cove videos. Which is all well and good, except every time I get a notification I feel pressured to post more videos. Fandom! Why so stressful?

I am thinking of kidnapping my neighbor's dog. You know the storyline from season one Dexter with the neighbor's dog? That's it exactly. Every time I go out in my back yard and hear that dog barking and that bitch yelling at it, I start plotting to kidnap it and take it to the pound. At least there it might have a chance at some attention, for fuck's sake. The fact that there's no one I can call to report animal abuse just makes me furious with this entire country.

Ahem. So I celebrated Easter by planting things in my yard. New life and all that. Plus, it needed to be put in the ground before my plants dried out and died on my deck. I've gotten a lot done this weekend, but I still have more on my list, and what I really want to do is curl up on the couch and watch The Office for the rest of the afternoon.
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