Oh my God, y'all. Librarians are collectively some of the most snotty, superior, unprofessional human beings I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. In the interest of professional development (ha!) I've been subscribed to some library-related mailing lists for a few years. They're supposed to be places to exchange ideas and experiences regarding library service, but every single conversation on these things devolves into condescension and name-calling. It's embarrassing.
::unsubs immediately to save her sanity::
ANYWAY. In case anyone is interested, I broke my no fic rule yesterday. I wasn't going to mention it here, but what the hell, I'm kind of a whore that way. It's Harlan/Marcus, though it's more Marcus, really. Part of the Aftermath series. You can find it
here, if you're interested.
And now I am going to spend the rest of my afternoon cleaning and putting my guest room back together and possibly going to the grocery store. Which, if I want to eat anything today, I don't really have a choice. Boo.