what I did on my summer vacation

Mar 22, 2008 14:28

I am painting my guest room a sort of buttery yellow, and the entire time I was putting the first coat on I kept thinking over and over, "Daisies, lemons, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow." It got kind of annoying after awhile.

I can't do the second coat until I go to the hardware store and pick up more paint. My sister and I traded leftovers; I gave her the extra gallon from my living room, and she gave me what she had left from hers. Only she had two open cans which together amounted to about 3/4 of a gallon, and that's not enough to do another coat. Everywhere else seems to be open tomorrow, so maybe the Home Depot will be too. Or I'll stop by there on my way home from working out today, whenever we get around to that. Getting both coats done today would leave tomorrow wide open for yard work, which was the plan. Not that I really want to do yard work.

The yellow looks nice, at least. It's much brighter at the top of the stairs now than when my guest room was a flat gray.
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