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ckandi007 April 17 2010, 14:41:45 UTC
Aww, Ang, this post made me so sad to hear about how lonely you've been :o( I should really check in more often though I did email a few times while you were in Canada with *ahem* no reply (lol, no worries though...they didn't really warrant a response and I know you were busy). I was just mentioning to Veronica the other day that Tyler was about to turn one :o) I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for a rad gift for him in China so it may be late. Time has certainly escaped me because wasn't he like 6 months old like...yesterday?! lol. It's crazy to hear about all of these things he can do already!

I am really surprised that Chris' family in the MD area haven't checked in--esp when you guys all live pretty close! I guess you can't really depend on anyone but yourself--but I think you've been doing a great job having to do this on your own. It certainly takes an adjustment period to become a "single parent" for a year. Definitely take advantage of the free childcare for some adult interaction. Give the meetups a chance to make new friends. I actually joined one a few weeks ago and have made 2 new friends who are either military with no kids or at least have a babysitter so they can getaway and live in Austin so that helps a lot. I've offered this before, but do you want Brian/Roxy's number? Gloria/Tom? They live in Silver Spring and Baltimore respectively and are really great friends of ours...I'm sure they'd be more than happy to hang out or grab lunch/dinner.

I like Lisa's idea of Skyping every week! We all have laptops with webcams now so it could def work :o)

Sending lots of love to you and Ty...if only I had more PTO, I'm come visit! As of now, I'm completely tapped out for the rest of the year, blaaah.


canadagirl April 20 2010, 01:09:40 UTC
When I'm in Canada I try not to spend too much time in front of the computer, and I don't actually get a lot of comp time anyways these days. Busy little man! I tell ya he is growing up way too fast. Seriously, I didn't listen when people told me this but I need him to slow down with this growing up nonsense!

I've joined maybe a half dozen groups and the only one that actually has meetings is my book club - which I can't go to most months because of Tyler! I go to it when I can. I tell ya it isn't easy to find women in my place in life in a military community - first baby, and I'm not 20 years old! I will be calling the mommy I met at swimming though, and I'll probably sign Ty up for another round of swimming.

Thanks for the love! Thank goodness Ty randomly hugs me now. Still no hugs by request but he will climb all over me, give me a squeeze and cuddle and then take off again!


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