7 weeks - since Chris left and since my last update.

Apr 16, 2010 16:18

Mid March, Ty sent these leg warmers to Daddy in Afghanistan

It is hard to believe that I haven't posted an update since Chris left almost two months ago. The thing is I have gotten behind on posting 365, which in turn makes me not post until I get caught up with it. But, 365 is getting so far behind it is overwhelming to say the least. I have hundreds of pictures to sort though. Seriously, I have about 700 from the three weeks spent with my mom plus all the other pics and videos I take. I take pictures all the time still. Every day actually...


I'm going to stop doing this 365 project. I may take it up again at another time but I am drowning a bit here. I had a couple weeks alone after Chris left. During that time I managed to get Ty back into sleeping in his crib all night long and without waking for the most part. The 2 months before Chris left, we kept bringing Ty into bed with us when he'd fuss. I wasn't going to live like that, particularly because there wouldn't be a second body to act as a barrier between Ty and the edge of the bed and he is very very mobile. Now he sleeps from shortly after 7pm until about 6 or so in the morning without needing me.
     Then my mom arrived for March Break. The first thing that changed when she got here was that Ty started napping in his crib again. See over the same 2 months that we were letting him sleep with us Ty was napping with us laying next to him and then we got to the point where he'd sleep on me after nursing. He'd sleep for almost 2 hours twice a day on me. After a bit of struggle with the first couple of naps Ty is now napping in his crib without any problem except that his naps are shorter. Usually only a bit more than an hour.
     A couple days after mom arrived my MIL arrived for Spring Break. They are both education/teaching assistants/aids. I was always tickled that they have the same job. We had a great week even though it was busy. Then at the end of the week my MIL flew home and mom and I made the drive with Ty to Canada. We stayed for two weeks and it was a great visit. I drove through the night to get us home so that Ty would be ok in the car. I don't think I could handle him fussing for a 9.5 hour drive! So I left a bit before bed time and the drive went well.


At my parent's place a couple weeks ago

I've been home for almost 2 weeks now. Honestly, this is really hard. I am pretty burnt out and I feel like I'm not doing a good enough job at taking care of Tyler, our family, and our home. More days than not I am in tears or I end up raising my voice at Ty out of frustration. By the afternoon I usually have a headache. I have had hives for almost a week and I think stress is the cause since I'm not really having any other allergy symptoms. I'm asleep by 10 so I am getting about 8 hours of sleep a night but being Ty's one and only with no one here to help and no friends is really starting to get to me. I Skype with Chris and my mom almost every day and that's pretty much the only interaction I have with adults. I don't really count saying thank you to the check out lady at Target being adult interaction.

I need a break.

There were a lot of really good reasons why we chose to do the deployment now. One of them was that I'd have Chris' family around for help and support as opposed to him deploying from a huge base in some other state where we don't know anyone. However aside from when my MIL was in town I haven't heard from anyone in Chris' family since he left. If I send out a mass email with a Chris update I might hear from a couple of people but that's it. I feel like I've been completely forgotten here. Deployments are lonely enough, being a mom to a very active baby on my own is impossible. 
      I was crying to my mom about it last night. I could go there and be with my parents but I really want to be in my own place. Chris had to listen to me cry about it today when we were online. He finally contacted Child and Youth Services for Ft Meade, something he'd been meaning to do since I was pregnant, and found out about drop off babysitting at the child care centres. We get 16 hours free a month while he is deployed so I'll be arranging for that. I have to go to an orientation first, so hopefully I'll be able to do that next week. It would be great for Tyler to have someone else to play with other than me and it would be great for me to be able to fold a whole basket of laundry without interruption.
     That's another thing. Ty needs other people. I can't believe how much he thrived from seeing so many different people over the weeks spent with my family. He is developing in leaps and bounds! Let's see, some recent things:
-stands on his own like it is nothing, he can even bend over, pick something up and stand back up again without needing to hold anything
-plays peek-a-boo by hiding his own face and uncovering it
-walks with a walker
-has taken up to 6 unaided steps entirely on his own
-crawls like a mad man, he is super fast!
-6 teeth have broken through as of today
- babbles all the time, says "mama" "dada" "hi"
-just over 22 lbs and 30+ inches
-eats solids really well, self feeds, pincer grasp is really developing (still a bewb baby though)
-will look to where I am pointing when I am telling him to look at something
-will go and get a ball when told to, plays catch
-shakes head "no" when told to
-he is mastering so many of his toys, it is amazing watching him play
-still learning to use a sippy cup but getting much better!
-shares really well (food, toys, etc)

Mommy forgot the bat in Canada but Grandma mailed it to us right away!

I met another mom at swimming lessons, I need to give her a call but I feel like I need to get myself sorted out a bit first. I've been planning Ty's first birthday. Thank goodness for online ordering, I was able to take care of almost everything that way! I almost feel like saying "screw it" because most of the guests will be the same people who I thought would support us this year but haven't. Sucks, but it's for the Wee One. Chris is super excited about what he got Ty, I don't know what it is but he says it is hard to top and it didn't cost him anything. I guess we'll see in just over 5 weeks. SInce Chris is doing his own special gift this year I am doing something separate too and I'm not quite sure what. Either a donation to his piggy bank or a table and chair set for him.
     Oh, Sofie is having a visit with my parents right now. While I got back into the swing of things here, including baby-proofing, Puff stayed up in Canada. It is a lot easier not having her here. I miss her though.
     Well I should wrap this up. I have a bed to make and all that fun stuff.

Yesterday. Took this picture for Ty's birthday invitations.
Oh! And he grinds his teeth! That has to be the worse sound ever!

I just need to get myself back on track. Then I'll be awesome.

silly baby, rant, sofia, pictures, family, milestones, deployment, walking, travel/trips, inlaws, that sucks, health, afghan deployment, hubby, ft meade, 2nd 365, tyler, canada, extended/other family, mom's visit, tyler progress, emotional, doggies, sad

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