While I've been trying to avoid writing squeeze words out on my ACBB, I seem to be mostly inspired to write canon era smut/crack/porn. To the extent that I might need to collect them together into a canon-era crack-ish-porn-ish-smut-ish collection on A03! So, here are the latest ones...
Rating: Teen and up for mild profanity Word count: 1315 Warnings/Spoilers: Faintly spoilerish for BBC's The Living And The Dead Episode 1. It obliquely references a scene that does not appear in any of the trailers, and references fangirl reactions to an image that has been widely shared on tumblr. It doesn't bear any resemblance whatsoever to the
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Title: Greetings of Ye Seasonne from Camelotte Pairing: Merlin / Arthur (offstage) Rating: PG (for ridiculous innuendo) Word Count: n/a Content: Fanart - a gift for Merlocked18 Summary:King Uther pens his annual yuletide Round Robin Letter. In time-honoured fashion, the end-result boasts the accomplishments of the author's perfect offspring, contains tedious
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