What we had for Thanksgiving:

Nov 25, 2005 08:20

* Ginger ale turkey (which came out flawlessly, and I was allowed to hack the carcass apart after we ate, so really, there is no bad in my world).
* Homemade cranberry sauce. I have secured the recipe; it was that good.
* Roast harvest vegetables.
* Blanched green beans in hazelnut oil.
* Mashed potatoes OF DOOM.
* Leek and onion stuffing.
* Gravy.

I, of course, put pretty much all of these things into salad, and called it good. Because I am sometimes a freak of nature, especially when I'm faced with enormous piles of food. Everything makes more sense in salad. (The salad also contained tomatoes, mushrooms, and blackberries, in addition to whatever else I dumped into it.)

(Before you freak, 'pretty much' did not include gravy, potatoes, or green beans. So while I am a freak of nature, I am not a total freak, and you don't have to worry about me mutating or something equally bad for my health.)

Here's hoping that you're all having a great holiday weekend; I, being insane, will now go and face the holiday sales with my dear Amanda. We may never be seen again.

Pray for us.

cooking, social life, food

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