State of the blonde.

Mar 17, 2009 07:51

So I'm back in California after a business trip to New York, where I saw many wonderful people, did many wonderful things, and failed to find the Jersey Devil in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. I've been in my home time zone for two whole days now. I'm still totally and unquestionably exhausted. To make matters even more entertaining, last night I bought my tickets to Seattle, where I'll be attending the Kitten Sunday concert, hugging many people I adore, and best of all, collecting the newest member of my feline family. I've never had a Maine Coon before; I'm very excited.

In upcoming travel news, I may be making a somewhat impromptu pilgrimage to Michigan in the near future. Jim, Tom, I'm looking at you, because boy, am I gonna need somebody to feed me ice cream and tell me that there wasn't actually a gremlin on the wing of the plane. Other than that, I'm not going anywhere further than BayCon until June, when I jet off to Illinois to play Music Guest of Honor at Duckon. (I'm very excited about this part.) July is going to find me in San Diego, exploring the wilds of the International Comic Convention with machete, smile, and some truly awesome surprises, most of which are yet to be unveiled. August is Montreal, and September is my book release, which means no conventions of any sort, but potentially quite a few literary events. If I develop an actual nervous tic, just pat me gently on the head and point me at the nearest swamp.

Health-wise, my back is behaving itself surprisingly well despite all the planes, trains, and automobiles that have been plaguing its normal status quo. My weight is up -- slightly -- which worries me, since that's often a precursor to spinal instability, so I'm trying to really buckle down, get back on plan, and keep finding lower-impact ways of getting my exercise. Weight Watchers: because living on lettuce is better than being stoned stupid for the rest of my life.

Lilly is going slowly insane; she's never been an only cat before, not even for a short period of time, and it's not easy for her. This is actually sort of a good thing, since it's likely to make the transition period a lot less painful on all three of us. As it stands, I'm going to be working from home for a few days, just so I don't have to leave Lilly locked out of her room all day while I'm out of the house. Again, this is going to make things a lot less painful. (I went back and re-read all my entries about introducing Lilly and Nyssa. I am anticipating lots of complaints from both parties, but if those two could make peace, anybody can.)

I have a backlog of comic strips to finish inking, just to get out of the holiday trip to Seattle. After that, well, it's probably going to be straight into illustrating my New York trip, letting everything in the middle plummet into the quiet void of 'sorry, I am not a squid, I only have two arms.' I've finished several of my art card commissions, which is pleasing unto me, and makes me feel accomplished. (Art cards take so much less time than comic strips, and are so soothing, that they actually speed up comic production. I am a paradox.) I'll be doing an art sale super-soon, because travel and kittens are expensive things, and it's good to occasionally clear out my desk.

This weekend is my monthly trip to Sacramento; next weekend is socializing and fun book-related things; the weekend after is kitten-prep; and then it's April.

Where is the year going?

travel, lilly, social life, art, weight watchers, writing, medical stuff, pets, conventions

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