Semi-weekly CD status, take four.

Apr 19, 2006 12:42

(We've gone from 'weekly' to 'when I have something to report', now that pre-orders are closed. 'This Is My Town' will probably go to weekly towards the end of the production cycle, in like, a year, but for now, I'll give statuses only when something cool happens. Expect a lot of 'Town'-related radio silence, outside of specific recording dates. Anyway...)

Pre-orders for 'Pretty Little Dead Girl: Seanan McGuire and Friends Live at OVFF 2005' remain closed. We're still waiting for payment from some parties, and three of the people from the UK bulk order have yet to place their requests. Please, please place your order as soon as possible, both so that we can take down the pre-order page, and because I will be unable to fulfill any UK orders until we have the complete batch.

The duplicator confirmed today that my files have been received in the correct format, and provided me with a final quote for duplication, which is well within our budget. So duplication -- or progress towards it -- is a go. They'll take the next few days to verify that everything is correct, then notify me that they're going into 'printing stuff now' mode. Assuming that everything is smooth like butter, we can potentially expect to go to print in five days, with delivery to come after that.

My house is about to vanish under a hail of CDs.

You may or may not have noticed that the URL given above is a somewhat shiny, new and different one. That's because it leads to a shiny, new and different web destination! Check it out:

I have a domain name. I must be a real girl!

And this has been your semi-weekly CD status. Don'cha feel all special inside?

cds, good things

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