Silent Sunshine Part Two

Apr 30, 2014 06:09

Title: Silent Sunshine
Pairing(s): Harvey/Steve Rogers, Harvey/OC, Harvey/OC/Steve
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 13,174
Warning(s): Sex, character death
Summary: He can’t move past it. It hurts too much. But maybe, just maybe, he can start. (Crossover with movie-verse Captain America)

December, 1942

Bringing home my friend, Captain Steve Rogers, for Christmas. I think you’ll like him. Will arrive Dec. 18.

Maria smirked as she read the telegram. She knew what Harvey meant when he said she’d like someone.

“Charlie,” she called. “Can you help Mama get the house cleaned up? Daddy’s bringing home a friend from the army.”

“Okay,” Charlie said, coming in to help. Maria hoped that Harvey’s friend liked her as much as he liked Harvey.


“You sure about this?” Steve asked as he and Harvey packed their bags for their leave.

“Quite,” Harvey said. “Maria’s bound to be a bit lonely right about now…Not that I expect her to just sit around waiting for me, but it’s hard to pick up dates when all the eligible men are here and you’ve got a kid to watch.”

“I guess that’s true,” Steve agreed. “But what if she doesn’t like me? I mean…women generally don’t.”

Harvey looked over Steve appreciatively. “I still don’t get that,” he said. “But as for Maria…well, if I recommend you, she’s bound to at least consider it.” He hesitated a moment. “Listen…I know you like to keep Captain America separate from the rest of your life, but…Charlie’s such a big fan and it would really make his Christmas to meet a real live superhero…”

Steve laughed. “Say no more,” he said. “I’ve packed the uniform…just in case there’s a venue that needs to sell war bonds. I think I can arrange for Charlie to meet Captain America.”

“Thank you,” Harvey said.


Harvey didn’t think New York would ever look so beautiful as it did that December. Maybe it was because the camps were so dreary with so many exhausted men, or maybe it was just because he missed his family, but the city looked better than ever as he and Steve got off the train.

Maria and Charlie were waiting for them. Charlie wriggled his hand from his mother’s grasp and ran to meet them. Harvey laughed and caught the little boy, lifting him up and hugging him tight. Maria followed, embracing her husband as soon as he put Charlie down.

“Hello, darling,” Harvey said to her. “Miss me?”

“Only a little,” she said. She glanced at Steve appraisingly. “You must be Captain Rogers.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Steve said nervously. “Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

“No need to ma’am me, Captain.”

“No need to Captain me, ma’am.”

Maria smiled. “I think we’re going to get along just fine.”


If Steve was honest with himself, he was having a hard time deciding which of his hosts was more attractive.

Harvey was handsome, sure, confident, teasing, but gentle in his way, kind to him. His eyes were a light, hazy blue, his body was very well-toned for an entertainer, but what got Steve was his smile, that sort of half-smirk that said that he would let you in if you just asked nicely. He was a little shorter than Steve-almost everyone was now-but the way he carried himself still made Steve feel tiny. And once Harvey started singing, Steve was always putty in his hands.

And Maria…Maria was gorgeous. She was as tall as Harvey, with legs that would kill a gazelle from jealousy. Her hair was dark and curled, and she wore it a bit longer than was fashionable, falling over her shoulders and only half-pinned back. Her eyes were a dark, stormy grey, set above a perfectly straight nose that was a little longer than most, but on her face, it was perfect. Her mouth was red and a bit bigger than usual and she seemed to have picked up Harvey’s habit of smirking without really smiling. Or maybe he had picked it up from her.

Steve had no idea how he was going to keep up with them. They were both clearly a lot more experienced and confident than he was, and even though Harvey had taken things slow the first few times they had been together, Steve had a feeling that Maria wouldn’t want to slow down too much for his sake.

So he did his best to focus on anything else when they got back to the house and Maria went to cook dinner. Fortunately, little Charlie was a very friendly boy and he immediately wanted to regale Harvey and Steve with tales of his favorite hero.

“And then Captain America broke into the war room and punched Hitler in the face like, fifty times!”

Steve couldn’t help but smile at that. “Wonder how he got through security,” he murmured.

“Cause he’s Captain America! If anyone gets in his way, he just beats them up!”

Harvey, too, seemed amused by Charlie’s ramblings. “Sounds like a swell guy,” he said.

Charlie nodded enthusiastically. “And there’s this kid, Bucky, who runs around with him and gets to fight bad guys, too!” Charlie looked at Harvey appealingly. “Do you think I could be like Bucky?”

“Maybe when you’re older,” Harvey said.

“I wanna be a sidekick when I get to be bigger!” Charlie insisted. “I wanna learn from the best!”

Steve chuckled. “But you’re doing a good thing now,” he said. “You’re taking care of your mom, aren’t you? And you’re helping collect scrap metal and rations and all. And that’s a very important duty, so I’m sure Captain America would be very proud of you.”

Charlie grinned sheepishly. “Well, sure…but everyone does that! Bucky gets to go to Europe with Captain America and fight Hitler and stuff like that!”

Steve didn’t have the heart to tell Charlie the truth. “Trust me, Charlie,” he said. “Captain America wouldn’t want a young boy to get hurt before he’s ready.”

Charlie pouted. “But I’m ready!” He stood up as tall as he could and flexed his tiny muscles. At seeing Steve’s amusement, he stopped, but continued speaking. “I’m small, so I can fit places where Captain America can’t…and I’m not strong, but I’m fast! I’m the fastest kid in my class! And I do all my chores and lift big pieces of metal at the drives…I could be a sidekick!”

Harvey smiled. “And what if Captain America doesn’t need another sidekick?” he asked. “It’s hard to be sneaky when you have too many people running around.”

“Well…maybe when Bucky gets too big to be a sidekick, I can take his place! I’ll be big enough by then, won’t I?”

“Yes, you will,” Steve said. “And you’ll make a great sidekick.” He smiled softly. “And I’m sure Captain America will be glad to have you on his side when you’re older.”


Steve had no idea what he was doing here. All he knew was that he was lying on the bed, waiting for Harvey and Maria to come in, feeling more nervous than he ever had in his life. With Harvey, it had all happened so fast that Steve hadn’t had time to be nervous. Plus, with Harvey, he had a better idea of what to expect. Having never been with a woman, Steve had no idea what to do with her.

The door opened and Harvey came in, leading Maria by the hand. They both smirked at Steve in the way that made his breath catch. “You ready for this, Captain?” Maria asked in a low voice.

“I…I suppose,” Steve answered.

Maria glanced at her husband and then sauntered over to the bed and knelt over Steve’s chest, hitching her leg up and letting him get a good view of her thighs. “Are you sure?” she breathed. “We don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

Steve gulped and glanced at Harvey, who nodded slightly. “Yes,” Steve said. “I’m ready.”

And then she was on him, kissing him hard, her fingernails digging into his shoulders. Steve’s eyes widened, but then he kissed her back, laying his hands gently on her hips. She lowered her body down, pressing against him, running her hands over his body, carefully undressing him. She was rougher than Harvey, more demanding, but Steve could tell she was holding herself back a little, for which he was extremely grateful.

Harvey moved onto the bed behind Maria, winding his arms around her waist, one hand reaching up to her breast, kissing her neck softly. She moaned into Steve’s mouth, her hands settling on his chest and scratching lightly as Steve started to undo the buttons on the front of her dress. As soon as he was done, Harvey pulled the dress off of her carefully so as not to tear it. The dress was tossed to the floor as Maria turned over, kissing her husband and pulling his clothes off as quickly as she could. In another moment, all three lay naked together, kissing, stroking, pressing together…

Maria turned back over, pushing Steve down on the bed and kissing down his chest, scraping her teeth here and there. Steve started to sit up, but Harvey put his hands on his shoulders and pushed him back, kissing him gently. “Relax,” Harvey murmured against his mouth. “She knows what she’s doing.”

Steve nodded and lay down, allowing Maria to get between his legs. She kissed his inner thighs carefully before sliding her mouth around him, taking him in slowly, licking and sucking and doing God only knew what else. Steve’s head fell back, his hands instinctively moving into her hair, not pulling, just petting her softly. She laughed around him and pulling back enough to speak. “You don’t have to be a gentleman in here, Captain,” she said. “I like it rough.”

“Sorry,” Steve said hastily. “It’s just…I don’t…”

Maria turned her head to her husband. “Show him,” she commanded. Harvey nodded and moved behind her, grabbing her hips and thrusting in hard. She moaned with pleasure, but managed to form a sentence. “See, Captain? Don’t be scared.” She went down on him again, sucking harder, letting her teeth graze over his cock. Steve closed his eyes and let his hands tangle in her hair more, gripping it tight and pushing her down further, letting his hips thrust up into her. She didn’t object, taking him fully in her mouth, moaning as Harvey thrust into her from behind, sending vibrations through Steve’s body.

Harvey reached around and started fingering Maria’s clit, making her moan more, panting around Steve’s cock. His grip tightened in her hair, the stimulation too much for him. He came with a strangled cry, gripping Maria’s hair so tight he was afraid he would tear it out.

He didn’t. She simply swallowed him down, letting him slide out of her mouth as he came down. A moment later, she gasped and came, digging her nails into Steve’s shoulders. Harvey gasped out something meaningless and thrust into her hard as he broke and the two of them collapsed, Maria sandwiched between the two men.
They breathed heavily, Steve’s hand running through Maria’s hair gently, Harvey’s arms winding around them both. Eventually, they moved into a more comfortable position, Maria laying her head on Steve’s chest with Harvey curled up behind her.

“Harvey?” she murmured as they drifted off.


“You should have joined the Army a long time ago.”


The next day, Harvey announced that he and Steve were going out to enjoy more of the city. Maria raised her eyebrows, but didn’t object.

“Can I come?” Charlie asked eagerly.

Harvey and Steve glanced at each other. “Not today,” Harvey said. “There’s a scrap drive you promised to help with, remember?”

Charlie pouted, but didn’t object. “Okay,” he sighed.

Steve smiled reassuringly at him. “We won’t be gone too long,” he said. “We might get back to help later on.”

“But right now, we have to get moving,” Harvey said. “Lots to do.” He and Steve grabbed their rucksacks and headed out, talking amicably.

Charlie sighed petulantly. “I wish I could go other places than scrap metal drives,” he muttered.

Maria smiled. “Well, someday you will,” she said. “But right now, we all have to do our part. And I promised Mrs. Landers we would be there.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “Now hurry up and finish your breakfast. The drive’s supposed to start in half-an-hour.”

Charlie kept pouting, but he obeyed.


The drive went normally. People brought in their scrap, the neighborhood boys sorted it, and the mothers directed the loading and recorded what was brought. Most of the mothers found the process fairly dull, though the boys seemed to enjoy seeing all the junk that was brought in and chattering about their heroes in between.
Maria was standing at the front of the yard where the drive was being held, directing people to the various places where the scrap metal should go, when a car pulled up and a tall man in a ridiculous blue outfit stepped out.

She didn’t even have to ask who he was because the moment he appeared, the boys all dropped their scrap and scampered to meet him.

“Captain America!”

“Mom! It’s him! It’s really him!”

“Are you here to help with the drive, sir?”

The good Captain smiled at the boys as they gathered around him before he raised his hand for silence. They all immediately stopped chattering, staring up at their idol in pure adoration. He looked to Maria. “I heard there was a scrap drive going on. Anything I can do to help?”

Maria started at the sound of his voice, but recovered quickly. “Well, I suppose you can help the boys sort the scrap,” she said, a small smile appearing. “I’m sure they’d like to spend a little more time with you, Captain.”

He grinned at her. “Sounds good to me, ma’am,” he said, and it was amazing how he could go from nervous virgin boy to commanding superhero with no help but a change of costume. Maria knew she’d have to get him back into the bedroom before he left.

Captain America held out his hands and the boys pressed forward, Charlie getting to him first and clutching one hand with a huge smile on his face, a slightly older boy grasping the other. Captain America looked extremely happy as the boys led him to where they were working, all chattering and asking him questions, listening to his answers with rapt expressions on their faces.

Maria watched them, smiling to herself for a moment before a voice behind her said, “Need a hand, sweetheart?”

She shook her head as she turned. “So that’s what he does?” she asked. “Plays a comic book hero and keeps up morale?”

Harvey nodded. “Pretty much, though the science stuff was all true.” He face darkened slightly. “He was meant to be a fighter, but the government decided that selling war bonds was more important. And on the front, he doesn’t even do that. The soldiers don’t like him. They think he’s just a prissy boy trying to be a man. And I thought…it’d be good for all of them. For the boys to meet their hero and for him to remember that he is a hero. That he does matter.”

Maria nodded. “Still…if he’s meant to be a hero…a real soldier…why not let him be one? He’s more than fit and very eager…”

Harvey shrugged. “Don’t ask me. They just seem to prefer him like this.”

“Does he have any family?”

“No. Why do you think he’s here for Christmas?”

“No friends? No children?”

“No one.” Harvey looked at her seriously. “No one but us…if you want to accept him as one of ours.”

Maria looked at the hero, sorting scrap with the boys, showing off a little by lifting the biggest pieces all alone and working faster than anyone else. And he looked happy, like he was at peace…like he belonged with them, doing the common man’s work. He didn’t bring any photographers, didn’t ask for anything, simply worked and encouraged the boys with his presence.

“Yes,” she said. “I think I can accept him as ours.”

Harvey smiled and kissed her cheek before hurrying over to help the boys.


The drive ended later in the evening and Maria asked Captain America if he would care to join them for dinner. He accepted immediately.

Charlie was ecstatic. He chattered almost without stop as they walked back home, asking a million questions about Captain America’s exploits in Europe. The Captain answered perfectly, having clearly studied the comics religiously in order to play his part. Harvey smiled, watching them. This was what Steve was meant to do-play to an adoring, unsuspecting audience instead of the hardened soldiers.

“They should’ve left him here,” Harvey muttered.

“Stop it,” Maria said. “He’s doing well. And maybe it will make it easier to go back, knowing there’s someone who believes in him.”

They returned to the house and Maria immediately set about cooking dinner, doing her best to make it as good as possible with rationed goods, considering the prestige of their guest. Captain America sat at the table, listening to Charlie’s childish prattle with a peaceful smile on his face.

“And someday, I wanna be a hero, just like you!” Charlie concluded, finishing his monologue.

“You already are,” Captain America said. “You work hard and do your part for your country. In my eyes, that makes you one of the biggest heroes of all.”
Charlie stared at him. “But everyone collects scrap and buys war bonds!” he said. “I wanna fight Nazis and save lives!”

Captain America glanced at Harvey. “You’re a bit too little for that,” the captain said. “And hopefully, by the time you’re big enough, we’ll have beaten the Nazis and you’ll live in a better world.”

Charlie looked disappointed. “But fighting bad guys is the greatest thing a guy can do!”

“No,” Captain America said. “The greatest thing a guy can do is work hard in the field where he’s needed. If there’s still a war worth fighting, you go to war. If there isn’t, you stay home and support your family or you do some other useful thing. You can fight bad guys in all walks of life-not just with a gun, but with words, with negotiation, with understanding and compassion.” He smiled at Charlie. “I don’t use physical violence until I have exhausted every other option. If I could stop this war by merely talking Hitler out of his evil, I would do it…but I can’t, which is why I’m a soldier. But one day, Charlie, you might come to a point where talking a man down is the best option you have. Don’t mess that up by using your fist when you shouldn’t.”

“But you’re Captain America!” Charlie said. “You punch Hitler all the time!”

“Yeah, I do,” Captain America said. “But I’ll let you in on a secret, Charlie.” He glanced at Harvey again, who nodded slightly. “I’m not that different from you…or your dad…or any other guy, really.” He reached up and carefully pulled his mask off.

Charlie gaped at him when he saw that it was Steve. He was silent for a moment, studying Steve’s face carefully, before he smiled. “You were Captain America all along?” he asked excitedly.

“Yeah,” Steve said. “I’ve been Captain America for a little over a year now.” He smiled at Harvey. “I met your dad when I took some time to go talk to the other soldiers…inspire them and all. He’s really helped me out.”

Charlie turned to Harvey with wide eyes. “You never said you met Captain America!”

Harvey grinned at him. “Well, Steve asked me to keep it a secret. So you should, too. We don’t want Hitler to find out who he is.”

Charlie nodded. “So is it true? About the super serum?”

“It’s true,” Steve said. “But we don’t know how to remake it. The Nazis got there first and destroyed the only sample we had. And even if we could make more, I wouldn’t recommend it. It really hurt to go through that.”

Just then, Maria came through the door, carrying a casserole dish. “Okay, boys, dinner’s ready!” she said.

Charlie chattered on for the rest of the evening, readily accepting Steve’s reaffirmation that the boy wasn’t old enough to be a sidekick, and generally keeping everyone’s spirits up.

Steve listened to every word Charlie said, wishing that more people had this child’s optimism, patriotism, and faith in America.

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big bang, captain america, character: steve rogers, fanfic, character: other, character: harvey finevoice, oc: maria finevoice, series: silent sunshine, character: oc, character: charlie finevoice, tgwtg, nsfw

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