Silent Sunshine Part One

Apr 30, 2014 06:02

Title: Silent Sunshine
Pairing(s): Harvey/Steve Rogers, Harvey/OC, Harvey/OC/Steve
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 13,174
Warning(s): Sex, character death
Summary: He can’t move past it. It hurts too much. But maybe, just maybe, he can start. (Crossover with movie-verse Captain America)

February, 1942

The stamp came down on the paper and it was passed over to Harvey.

He smiled, looking at the number. Out of the line of fire, but still doing what he loved. Still helping in his own small way.

“Report back in two weeks,” the recruiter ordered in a bored voice.

“Yes, sir,” Harvey said, turning and heading out of the office. He caught a cab back to his apartment, smirking at the draft card.


A few minutes later, he walked through the door. Maria was in the kitchen, cooking dinner, and Charlie was sitting in the living room, reading a Superman comic. Maria looked up, looking a bit concerned in spite of her smile.

“How did it go?” she asked.

“They promised me a place in the entertainment corps,” he answered. “I ship out in two weeks.”

Maria nodded. “I see.”

He went to her and wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll be out of the line of fire. You won’t lose me.”

“I know,” she said. “But I don’t know what I’m going to do…all those months without you.”

“You’ll manage,” Harvey whispered. He kissed her tenderly.

“YUCK!” Charlie yelled from the living room. They laughed and broke apart. Harvey went over to Charlie and picked him up, hugging him.

“You gonna take good care of your mom for me while I’m gone?” Harvey asked.

Charlie nodded.

“Good boy,” Harvey said.


October, 1942

It wasn’t so bad. Sure, he was far from his family, sleeping in a tent, seeing the boys get hurt…but he was at the back, singing, bringing their spirits up. He was doing well.

The new kid, Rogers, on the other hand, was toast.

The guys hated him. They hated his smugness, his patriotism, his optimism…and the fact that he couldn’t sing or perform or do anything but give trite speeches didn’t help.

Harvey sighed, lighting another cigarette as he watched from the wings. It wasn’t that the kid wasn’t trying-he clearly was. The uniform wasn’t helping, either, though it did show him off well…a little too well, if Harvey was honest with himself.

Eventually, Rogers gave up and slumped backstage, looking extremely dejected. Harvey dropped his cigarette and stomped it out. “Hey, Cap. Come over here.”
Rogers looked up and sighed before shuffling over. “Yes, Sergeant Finevoice?”

Harvey smiled easily. “No need to use proper ranking with me, Cap.”

Rogers stiffened. “I was taught to always use proper rankings, Sergeant Finevoice.”

Harvey sighed. “Okay, then, Captain Rogers.” He offered Rogers a cigarette, but he shook his head. “I was watching your show from over here,” Harvey continued. “And I think you’ve got potential.”

Rogers snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m a dancing monkey. I do what other people tell me and then go to the next venue. And that wouldn’t be so bad if I was actually doing something useful, but they’ve just got me making speeches and selling war bonds.”

“Well, it’s something,” Harvey said. “And you carry yourself like you believe in what you’re saying…when you’re onstage, anyway. And your image is certainly good.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter. “My boy Charlie sent me a letter. In it, he told me all about Captain America and how much he loves you.”

Rogers smiled a little. “But he’s not out here,” he said. “He sees the films and the comics and he thinks I’m a hero…that I’m actually fighting. But I’m not. I’m just standing onstage with cheesy music and dancing girls.”

Harvey frowned. “And what’s wrong with that?”

Rogers blushed, but he met Harvey’s eyes. “It’s different for you, though. You’re an actual performer…you know how to carry yourself…you have talent and training and they love you.”

Harvey smiled. “I guess…but you know, Cap, I didn’t come with it naturally. I learned it…I think you can learn it, too. You’re good looking, you’re optimistic, and you can talk well…you just need to have an extra little spark.”

Rogers smiled back. “And you can give me that extra spark?”

“Give me a spark-worthy script and I can make you a performer.”


Rogers improved within days. He was quick to learn, eager to please, and underneath the cynicism of being a trained monkey, he truly did believe in every word he said in his speeches. Harvey had never met anyone so easy to teach, and after several private rehearsals, Harvey was willing to admit that Rogers was almost as good a performer as he was.


And it didn’t hurt that Rogers was one of the best looking guys on the base. Harvey found himself stealing several appreciative glances at him, glances that made him miss his wife a little bit less. He wondered if Rogers had a girl back home. He would almost have to, being so perfectly formed, but from what Harvey had heard around camp, that had not always been the case and Rogers’s  muscular form was a very recent acquisition.

Acquisition or not, Harvey loved watching Rogers perform. And Rogers seemed to enjoy watching Harvey just as much. Several times during rehearsals, Rogers would ask a break and Harvey would sing for him, just to demonstrate the type of presence one needed to impress soldiers. And as the days went on, Harvey sang for Rogers more and more.

A few weeks after they started private lessons, Rogers was perfect. He spoke as confidently to the men as he did to the people back home, he added a few of his own jokes and insights, which made the whole thing a lot better, and he no longer took the men’s shit, hurling abuse back at them as quickly as they could come up with it. Harvey grinned from backstage every time they got started, wondering what quips Rogers would come up with. It was almost as though the men came out simply to exchange insults with him.

Which was just fine by anyone’s standards. It let them blow off some steam, vent their frustrations at everything, and once Rogers got used to it, it helped him as well.
It was late at night, just after a show where the insult match had gotten especially creative due to one of the men speaking fluent Swedish, that Rogers rejoined Harvey looking happier than ever. Harvey grinned back at him. “Good work, Cap. That last one sounded almost like you knew what you were talking about.”

“Thanks, Harvey,” Rogers said, pulling his cowl off. Harvey had finally managed to convince him to drop the formal title. “I think I might be winning them over.”
“Yeah, they’ve stopped throwing things,” Harvey agreed. “One day, they might even let you finish a speech.”

Rogers snorted. “Yeah, right,” he muttered. “That’ll be the day I actually get laid.”

Harvey looked at him carefully. “Don’t think that’ll be a problem, actually.”

“You’d think,” Rogers said. “But even after the scientific enhancement, I can’t seem to catch a break. I travel around with fifty girls and not one of them is interested because I’m not a real soldier.”

“Well, maybe you’re looking in the wrong place,” Harvey said before he could stop himself.

Rogers raised his eyebrows. “If the wrong place is a large chorus, then where’s the right place?” he asked.

Harvey hesitated a moment, glancing around to make sure they were truly alone before he leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Rogers’s lips. Rogers’s eyes widened and he stepped back quickly, looking shocked. Harvey blushed but didn’t look away.

“What…what was that?” Rogers asked breathlessly.

“It…it was a kiss,” Harvey said. “What did you think?”

“I…I’ve never been kissed before…”

“If you didn’t like it…”

“No…I did…” Rogers glanced around before grabbing Harvey’s hand and pulling him toward his tent. As soon as they were inside, Rogers turned to Harvey. “Do it again?”

“Yes, Captain,” Harvey said. Then his arms were around Rogers, pulling him close and kissing him deeply. And in that moment, it didn’t matter that this was wrong, that Harvey was married, that Rogers was innocent and wide-eyed and lost. All that mattered was that their lips were pressed together, their hands moving quickly over one another. Harvey reveled in the firm muscles and tight uniform, guiding Rogers to the bed and gently pushing him onto it. He broke the kiss and hovered above him.
“You all right, Steve?” he asked quietly.

“Yeah,” Rogers said. “Yeah, I’m all right.” He was blushing, but he didn’t flinch. “I…I want…”

“What?” Harvey kissed him again, his lips moving down over Rogers’s neck. “What do you want?”

“Everything,” Rogers answered. “I want everything from you…I want you to kiss me…and touch me…and…” He broke off, biting his lip to keep from making too much noise, but Harvey understood.

“We have to be quiet,” Harvey whispered. “They don’t take kindly to it…especially in the army.”

Rogers nodded. Harvey bent his head and started sucking on the captain’s neck. Rogers gasped and clutched Harvey’s shoulders, shoving his jacket off. Harvey’s hands moved over Rogers’s chest, finding the hem of his shirt and pulling it off. He moved down Rogers’s body, kissing him gently, not wanting to push him too far. Rogers lay back, biting his lip to keep himself from making too much noise.

Harvey reached the waistband of Rogers’s pants and looked up, asking with his eyes if it was all right. Rogers nodded jerkily, one of his hands brushing through Harvey’s hair as his pants were removed, leaving him bare before the singer. Harvey’s hands and mouth moved over his hips, between his legs, arousing him, but not pushing him. Rogers was grateful for that. He wanted this, yes, but he was still frightened, even as Harvey’s mouth wrapped around his fast hardening cock and started sucking.

“You’ve done this before,” Rogers murmured in awe, more to himself than to Harvey.

“Few times,” Harvey said against him. “The missus enjoys watching it on occasion…just like I like watching her when we pick up another dame.”
Rogers wasn’t sure what to make of that information. He had seen a few photographs of Harvey’s wife and she was very beautiful. The idea of her and Harvey picking up other people of both sexes only made Rogers more desperate. His hands tangled in Harvey’s hair, his breath coming in little pants, his hips jerking with almost every move Harvey made.

After a few minutes, though, Harvey pulled off of him and moved back up to kiss him. Rogers kissed back, his hands starting to fumble for Harvey’s belt. Harvey laughed and caught his hands, guiding them, helping him get the singer undressed. In a moment, Harvey was naked as well, and they were pressed together. Rogers clutched Harvey tight around the waist as Harvey started grinding on him, biting his neck, hard enough for him to feel it, but not hard enough to leave a mark. They couldn’t risk that.

Harvey reached down and started stroking them both, managing to grip them both in his fist. Rogers tried to keep himself under control, not wanting to cum before Harvey was finished, but then Harvey was kissing him again, murmuring gently. “Let go, Steve.”
He did, biting on Harvey’s shoulder to muffle his scream. Harvey choked and followed, sucking on Rogers’s neck gently. After a moment, they collapsed together.
Rogers stared at Harvey. “Thank you,” he said quietly.

“No,” Harvey said. “Thank you.”


big bang, captain america, character: steve rogers, fanfic, character: other, character: harvey finevoice, oc: maria finevoice, series: silent sunshine, character: oc, character: charlie finevoice, tgwtg, nsfw

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