Title: Gratitude Characters: Mechakara, Lewis Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Dub-cony sex Summary: Fill for this prompt, part of My Problem. Mechakara has to thank his writer.
Title: Screwdriver Characters: Linkara, Nella Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Sex, object penetration Summary: Fill for this prompt. Linkara likes Nella. Why wouldn't he? And when he walks in on fun times, why not join in?
Title: Hurt Characters: Spoony, Linkara, OC Rating: NC-17 Warning: Noncon, abuse, violence Summary: Fill for this prompt. If it's love, that means it can't hurt, right?
Title: Dress Characters: Spoony, Chick, Makeover Fairy, Linkara Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Sex, crossdressing Summary: Fill for this prompt. Spoony should know better than to make bets with the Nostalgia Chick.
Title: Thing Characters: Linkara,[Spoiler from last AT4W]Harvey Robot from last episode Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Noncon, violence, spoilers for last AT4W episode Summary: Fill for this prompt. He's surrounded, bound, helpless, and hurting.
Title: Welcome Characters: Linksano, Linkara, Harvey, 90s Kid, Ninja Style Dancer, Boffo Rating: R Warnings: Non-explicit sex Summary: Fill for this prompt. Linksano is welcomed to the crew of Comicron-One.