Angel Wing Bonus Content

Apr 25, 2014 05:56

First, from lady_sci_fi:

From obnoxiousamy:

Notes: As soon as I read about demon!Insano, I knew I wanted to draw him. I wanted to experiment a bit with the wings, so my apologies for them not being exactly like described in the story ("scaly"). Verdict: I'm never drawing wings again.

Finally, from trulyamindlost:

1. In Paradisum - Royal Shakespeare Company & Paul Englishby

[Latin text]

(Song encapsulating the overall-ness of this story. the first line of “In Paradisum” translates to “May angels lead you into paradise”.)

2. Jerusalem - Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

(Inspired by the beginning, when angel!Spoony is given a sword to fight demon!Insano. I just enjoy the epicness the use of the keyboards and organ add to this rather traditional song.)

3. Contact - Daft Punk


(Spoony falling from heaven, sans one wing, to earth. I don’t imagine it’s a graceful fall - I imagine him hurtling through the heavens and the stars and the cosmos…)

4. Lacrimosa - Royal Shakespeare Company & Paul Englishby

[Latin text]

(“Lacrimosa” means “weeping” in Latin. This is after Spoony’s landed on earth, and it’s raining, and he’s stuck and crying and heartbroken.)

5. Dawn of Eden - Underworld


(When Spoony’s trying to find someone, just walking around earth, and he finds Linkara and sees the kindness in his eyes.)

6. The Ground (“Ple ni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua”) - Ola Gjeilo

[latin text]

(The text for “The Ground” is taken from the “Sanctus” portion of the mass. The passage in the title translates to “Heaven and earth are full of thy glory”. When Spoony is explaining heaven to Linkara - what it is, what it looks like…this song is what I imagine heaven to sound like, if there is a heaven.)

7. You Walk With Me - from “The Full Monty”

When evening falls, and the air gets colder
When shadows cover the road I am following
Will I be alone there in the darkness?
No, not alone - not alone, and I’ll never be…

(Yes, yes, a song from the musical about male strippers is in this mix. Sue me. In my defense, this song takes place during a funeral. So there are religious connotations to it, but also personal connotations. I chose this song for the moment when Linkara has the nightmare about Spoony, and Spoony stays to comfort him. I think it can apply to both of them.)

8. The Infinite Descent - Thomas Newman (from “Angels in America”)


(For when Spoony has retrieved his sword and returned to fight Insano and save his beloved. Short, sweet, to the point, and AWESOME.)

9. If the World Should End - Jennifer Damiano (from “Spiderman: Turn off the Dark”)

And if the darkness will descend
Don’t need a savior or a friend
I can say I’ve really loved
If the world should end

(Yes, a song from the Spiderman musical is in this mix. Sue me. I thought it fitting for the moments immediately following the battle - where they confess their love and Spoony says that, even if Heaven isn’t in the cards for them, he’ll take whatever Hell there is, as long as he’s with Linkara. It’s a more apocalyptic love song. Like…damn the end of the world. I have you. That’s all that matters.)

10. This Marriage - Eric Whitacre

I am out of words to describe the spirit mingled in this marriage

(For when Saint Peter marries Spoony and Linkara. I think the lyric I listed above says it better than I can.)

11. Pie Jesu, Amen - Royal Shakespeare Company & Paul Englishby

[Latin text]

(Because how can a story about God and heaven and angels NOT end with an Amen?)

art, series: angel wing, big bang, music, character: spoony, character: linkara, character: dr. insano, fanfic, character: other, tgwtg

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