Angel Wing Chapter Seven

Apr 25, 2014 05:47

Title: Angel Wing
Pairing(s): Linkara/Spoony
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 10,414
Warning(s): Violence, strong language, overt Christian themes and theology
Summary: When an angel loses his wing and falls to Earth, he learns more than he ever expected and finds more than he ever dreamed of.


Spoony opened his eyes. He was still in Linkara’s living room, lying on the floor with the young man safely in his arms. He could still feel a faint heartbeat. It wasn’t too late…

Saint Peter was standing over them, his face unreadable. “You have bound yourself to a human.”

“Yes,” Spoony said. He wasn’t going to be cowed by Saint Peter anymore.

“You have chosen to share his life.”


“And his death, no matter how soon.”

“Even if it’s right now.”

“And you are willing to accept his ultimate fate.”

“As long as I can stay by his side, I will accept anything.”

Saint Peter nodded. “I just wanted to be sure you understood.”

Spoony looked at him. “I just failed an important trial, didn’t I?”

“Failed?” Saint Peter repeated. “You couldn’t possibly fail that trial. You have love to share and you’ve chosen to give it. I’d say you passed with flying colors.”

Spoony smiled slightly. “Well, then, we’ll be seeing you at the gate in a moment.”

“No,” Saint Peter said. Spoony looked up at him, incredulous. “He is not going to die.”


“Close your eyes and count to three.”

Spoony did so, wondering what could possibly happen to them now…

“Open them.”

He did.

Linkara’s wounds were gone. There was no longer blood on the carpet. His breathing was normal and his heart was beating strongly. But that wasn’t the only change. Spoony had not sat up, had not moved his wing… but it was gone. His wings were both gone for good.

He swallowed, but smiled.

With a slight sigh and smile, Linkara’s eyes opened and met his. “Spoony?” he said.

“Yes…” Spoony pulled him close and kissed him. “Yes, I’m here… and I’ll never leave your side… I don’t think I could if I wanted to…”

“But…the demon…”

“It’s gone. I defeated it…and we’re alive, we’re both alive.”

“Alive?” Linkara looked at him. “Your wing…”

“I bound myself to you,” Spoony said. “Which means I’ll live a mortal life…a normal life. No wings, no tasks…just me.”

Linkara sat up and that was when he saw Saint Peter. “Oh…” he gasped. “Um…”

“Hello, Linkara,” Saint Peter said gently. “I hope you don’t mind that I have invaded your home, but I want to be sure of something.”

“Of course not,” Linkara said weakly.

“Do you understand what has taken place?”

“Sort of…”

Saint Peter nodded and explained, “He is bound to you. His heart beats with yours. He will share eternity with you, as one flesh and soul, united in the eyes of God. Is this agreeable to you?”

“Yes,” Linkara said. “Yes, it is…I…I love him.”

Saint Peter smiled. “Then you are bound, now and forever. Married in the sight of the Lord. And I hope you will be very happy together.” With that, Saint Peter vanished.
Tears poured down Spoony’s face, but he was smiling, smiling because he could share life and death with Linkara, with this beautiful, kind, faithful man. Linkara stared at him for a moment before reaching up and stroking his cheek. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. “And I’m so happy…I’ll have you.”

Spoony smiled and kissed him again, pulling Linkara as close as possible. “I’m happy, too,” he whispered.

“Even though you can’t go back to Heaven?”

“I can’t go back now. We’ll both make it there, someday. And when we do, they’ll welcome us with trumpets and robes and wings…and you’ll see everything.”

“I already have everything.” Linkara pressed up and kissed Spoony. “I have my work, and my faith, and my angel…what more could I possibly want?”

“I don’t know,” Spoony admitted. “But if you want anything…anything at all…just ask.”

“Hmm…” Linkara smiled. “I can think of something…if you’re not opposed…” He leaned in and whispered softly in Spoony’s ear.

Spoony grinned and kissed Linkara again, warmly, passionately, kissing him in the way he would for the rest of time.

Heaven could wait a little longer.
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series: angel wing, big bang, character: spoony, character: linkara, character: dr. insano, fanfic, character: other, tgwtg

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