SPN is not good for my productivity

Feb 19, 2010 16:12

So I just spent a couple of hours wandering around Youtube watching con videos. I think I'm getting pretty damn good at filtering out screaming to understand highly caffeinated J/J/Misha. This was therefore a useful learning experience I figure, and preparation for VanCon. Also, I am learning what kinds of questions should be asked (and which shouldn't - I'm looking at you people who as Misha about slash). Between staying up 'til 3 last night friending/fic-writing and all the vid watching, I have done exactly nothing actually useful today.

This weekend I have a bunch of grading to do, and also reading. I HATE GRADING. I love teaching my kids (well, less this term than last but last they were all amazing) but I hate marking. It's not their fault they weren't taught to write in high school but I have to keep the grades in the correct range so I have to fail people and I feel SOSO guilty. And it's hard to teach writing and everything else they're actually supposed to be learning at the same time.

Maybe I'll finish my reading today and do the grading tomorrow...

I AM BANNED FROM THE INTERNET UNTIL I'VE AT LEAST DONE ALL MY READINGS FOR MY AFFECT COURSE. Please help me enforce this rule - if I write to you, ask me if I'm done my reading, and if I'm not - YELL.

PS - I had a dream I was at a SPN and Twilight con. There was conflict but there was also fun, I think. All I really remember in detail was that I was wearing these awesome imitation denim pants.

supernatural is making me stupid, school, spn

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