
Feb 15, 2010 06:51

 Book fail!

First time poster so be gentle please.

Description: Amara, Princess of Egypt, the once-beautiful wife of Mentuhotep the First, lies in her coffin in the Charles Ward museum. Dead these 4000 years, now she's just an inanimate bundle of withered skin and desiccated bone. Or is she? When Barney the nightwatchman discovers that the mummy's coffin has been broken open, it seems grave-robbers are at work. It's a pity Barney and the guards can't tell the authorities how the mummy came to be missing. But the dead can't testify to anything. Now Amara is free again, driven by an ancient need that can only be assuaged at the cost of human life, and nothing can kill her - for she is dead already.

Sounds awesome… right?! Yeah… no! The mummy part was fun… all 15 pages that were devoted to it. It’s been about six years since I’ve read the book, but there are parts that are clear as a bell in my mind. So bear with me. I tried googling for more info and character list but got very little. There are more reviews if you look on with the name To Wake the Dead. I bought this book back in ’04 while waiting for my airplane from London, England to Chicago, Illinois. I think I burned the book in the same year. I was excited to read it as I was really into mummy books (due to the recent movies and such). And apparently, I’m with the 35% crowd who think the book is fail.

So let’s start from the beginning. If memory serves me correctly, the mummy started her killing spree near the beginning. If I remember correctly she kills one of the guards. So I’m all pumped up. Yes! Book is starting out great so far. Then the other characters are introduced. There was a female exhibit person, her cop boyfriend, a blind girl April, the blind girl’s “friend”/helper or something, and a young man named Edward. There were many other characters but they died almost as quickly as they were introduced and I can't think of anyone else that was very significant to the plot.

The sequences I’m about to describe may not be in the order as I read them. It has been a couple of years. Susan Conner is investigating the disappearance of the mummy (she’s part of the exhibit staff or something) with her boyfriend who is a cop. Now around the second or third chapter the young man, Edward, is introduced. He’s in the desert or something and I believe he was stranded. Someone picks him up (I believe it was a woman) drugs and kidnaps him. At his story I raised an eyebrow, but continued to read as I was anxious to get back to the mummy’s story. Then the young blind girl, April, was introduced. She was that “woe is me I am blind and ugly but people say I’m pretty and I’m rich and live in my murder father's mansion all by myself and I'm starving for love” character. I remember I was annoyed with her. So for the next… four hundred pages or so all that is talked about is the other characters. There is little to no mention of Amara.

At this point, I was getting frustrated. I bought the book to read about the mummy! Instead, I get a book with unnecessary added drama. What drama you say? Well I know Susan had drama. Think she was sleeping with a cop and there was a jealous girl after the cop. I don’t remember as it was forgettable. The drama was with Edward. You see, he was kidnapped and… raped! That’s right. For the rest of the book he is holed up in a cell or box or something. *Warning! Description may get a little graphic here* I remember this part of the book so clearly because I didn’t expect it. There is another caged up young man in the same area. I think there were words that they were sex slaves and if they didn’t do what was asked then they would die. And that the man who was originally in the cage that Edward was in finally refused and was kill somehow - starvation or something. The only way I remember them having sex with their captures was like this. They would lie down and their cage or whatever would rise up. The men would have to put their penis through a hole and then get raped. There was probably other ways and there was torture. I don’t think they saw any of their captures. I just remember thinking “WTF?!” when I read that part. There was a lot of sex and torture. Up until this point in my life I had read very little adult books. The only stories I had read was Anne Rice's first three Vampire Chronicle books and her The Mummy book. I wasn't used to reading books with a lot of sex scenes and it put me off. I was beginning to give up on the mummy ever appearing again.

So finally, the ending is nearing and lo and behold who finally reappears or makes her real appearance? Why it’s Amara! Yeah! I think she steals a boy and kills the boy’s parents (at least one of the parents is killed). Her goal? To me it seemed that she wanted her children. I think she had two and they were mummified with her, but robbers or something took them away. So she’s hell bent on getting her children back. I think the little boy reminded her of her son so she snatched him. I think the cop makes it on time and shoots her. Of course she’s a mummy and already dead. She drops the boy and runs away. She kills people left and right on her journey to wherever the “force” is taking her. Where does she end up? Why in the desert. At one point she kills the blind girl’s helper. The blind girl, April, is alone at home and extremely horny. What does the blind girl do? She decides not to wait for her friend/helper and I believe goes to the basement. Why? Well she’s in league with her friend/helper and has kidnapped men to have sex with them. That’s right. She’s keeping Edward in her dungeon. She rings a bell or something telling Edward he’s about to screw her.

Now by this point Edward has fashioned a weapon out of wood or something. It’s like a stack but with a barb at the end. Kind of like those you use for fishing. So he plans on stacking her vagina and forcing her to let him go before he helps her. What ends up happening is that she planned on giving him a blowjob first (how nice of her). So he stacks her throat. And since she’s blind she didn’t see it coming… lol. She ends up freeing him. I can’t remember if his partner lived or died. At this point I think the mummy is in the house or around the area. I don’t think Edward dies and I don’t remember what happens to the mummy or any of the other characters. I think… I think they burn her. I don’t remember. *End of potential graphics*

I decided to read all the reviews for this book. Many said it was scary/tongue-in-cheek and whatnot. I say it fails; if not the book, then at least the blurb in the back of the book. The blurb is supposed to summarize what the book is about. This gave me a plot line that is used in the book. Really, the entire book seemed to focus on Edward and his sexual ordeals as he’s raped and tortured. The mummy didn’t make much of an appearance and more mentions through the majority of the book until the end. So I picked up this book hoping for awesome mummy rampages or something along the lines of Anne Rice’s Ramses the Damned book. Either way I would have been happy. Though I do have to hand it to the people who wrote the blurb. I would never have read this book if they summarized “Edward get’s kidnapped, raped, and tortured. He must find a way to escape. There is also a mummy that kills people at the end.” So if you want to read a book that has a lot of sex/rape/torture and a mummy who appears every blue moon and kills newly introduced characters then get this book. I personally put a big fat FAIL on it.

P.s. Upon thinking of Anne Rice's The Mummy Ramses the Damned... damn you Anne Rice! You promised a sequel at the end of that book. I was all excited and waiting. If only you wrote it earlier. I'm sure if you write it now it will suck!

No love for the book Amara and an ex-fan of Anne Rice,

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