Yes Man (No Spoilers)

Feb 18, 2010 03:44

 Summary (from

Recently single, Danny Wallace was falling into loneliness and isolation. When a stranger on a bus advises, "Say yes more," Wallace vows to say yes to every offer, invitation, challenge, and chance. In Yes Man, Wallace recounts his months-long commitment to complete openness with profound insight and humbling honesty. Saying yes takes Wallace into a new plane of existence: a place where money comes as easily as it goes, nodding a lot can lead to a long weekend overseas with new friends, and romance isn't as complicated as it seems.

I started reading this book because it was recommended to me because "it'll change your life, it's incredible." That right there, kids, is what we call a lie. In no way did this book change my life, other than it made me annoyed every time I read the damn thing.

Ok, so this is a true story. Danny Wallace has just been dumped by his girlfriend and since then has become a bit of a hermit, saying no to everything and everyone, even if he had no good excuse. Until, that is, he meets a guy on the bus who tells him to "say yes more". Complete friggin' revelation there, I think.

So our Danny goes from one extreme to the other. He says yes to everything. Literally. He answers spam mail that ends up with him being in Amsterdam, gets into fights and gets blind drunk more than once. It's not so much the chain of events that's annoying so much as the narration. I couldn't get on with it at all and it just annoyed me.

About half way through the book, the Yes Man gets a "nemesis" who calls themselves "The Challenger" and starts sending Danny stupid requests and making him do weird things just because they know he can't say no to it. Hello random plot point that ends up being completely rubbish.

Not only is the narration terrible and the plot far from likeable, the ending is completely predictable. As soon as the character Lizzie comes into it, you can guess the ending. I had to go through 400-odd pages to get to that and have my suspicions confirmed. Whoop-de-do.

I wish I'd never picked this book up and would definitely not recommend it to anyone unless they were going to set it alight to keep warm.

author last names t-z, the movie was better, kill it with fire, there is a plot where somewhere

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