The war on Christmas, the war on Christians. The poor, poor persecuted Christians. Oh, there is so much buzz about Rick Perry's ad, I can't possibly go into detail, but if you're interested, just do a Google search for more info.
1. Perry is wearing the exact same jacket that Heath Ledger wore in "Brokeback Mountain." You can't make this stuff up, really.
2. Both the Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud condemned the ad, but GOProud took it further by outing one of Perry's staff for supporting him (Christians aren't the only hypocrites, folks. Pot, meet kettle.).
3. BTW, a teacher (I can't remember where) took the word "gay" out of "Deck the Halls." because the kids were snickering. Really? You couldn't just explain that "don we now our gay apparel" doesn't mean wearing a speedo and draping yourself in a rainbow flag?
4. For the record, I don't care if you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays." I will take it in the spirit it is intended - especially since Christmas is also a secular holiday - and wish you likewise.
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